Well that escalated quickly

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Lucy's POV

WOW that month was intense, the battles were so intense, even Grays and Natsu's were more intense then they normally are. I haven't really seen much of Natus this month he was always saying he was off training still, he is so committed to Fairytail. We are all sitting in the guild when master comes out with a board with a cloth on it.

Gather round everyone, here I have our team for the grand magic games, I have chose this team because I feel not only are they strong but they have a strong bond and therefor will have each others backs during the games.

He takes the cloth of the board to reveal the pictures of team Fairy tail, the people on the board were.

The team I have chosen is Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvel and Elfman Strauss who will be the reserve if one of the other get injured

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The team I have chosen is Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvel and Elfman Strauss who will be the reserve if one of the other get injured. Now I will need everyone else to go along and support our team. Go enjoy yourselves and maybe learn to work together over the next month as you will need each others backs.

Natsu stands up and leaves, we all follow after him outside the guild

Hey Natsu, what's wrong.
I don't want to be on a team with you and Gray

He turns around to face me.

I said I don't want to be on a team with you and Gray, did you hear me that time Lucy.
What the hell Natsu. Why have you got to act like that, what has Lucy done to deserve that.
Stay out of this ice princess, it's because of you I'm doing this.
What do you mean Natsu?
And don't call me ice princess.
Oh you two think your so clever, you really think I don't know what's going on between you.
Are you crazy Natsu, nothing is going on between me and Gray, I'm with you remember.
That's funny, that sounds like what you said to Gray when you were with him and he was worried about me and you.
There is no need for that Natsu, what the hell is this.
You know what, don't worry, I'm going home.

He walks off, I stand and try and hold back the tears, as soon as my friends come to see if I'm ok I break out in tears. Later that night Erza, Jellal, Gray and Juvia all walk home with me.

Are you sure you don't want us to wait In our rooms, in case anything happens.
No it's fine, I need to talk to him, plus he wouldn't do anything bad I front of happy, I'll be fine.

I walk in side and go to my room, grab some things and start to pack.

What are you doing Lucy.
Oh hey Happy, erm I'm moving out.
But... But... What about Natsu?
I don't think he wants me around.
We have had a falling out.
What about?
It's nothing Happy.
But you can't leave Lucy.
It's only for a couple days Happy, I think me and Natsu need some time apart.
Where will you go?
I'll find somewhere don't worry Happy.
Ok Lucy, I'll miss you.
Don't worry Happy, you will still see me everyday, I just won't live here for a couple days. Cya later buddy.

I hug happy and go to walk out. I leave my stuff by my door and go to the bathroom.I knock on the door but don't go in,

Hey Natsu, don't worry I'm not coming in, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry if you thought there was anything going on between me and Gray, if I have given you that idea in anyway I am sorry, clearly you are very upset by all this, I've decided I would move out for a couple days, when I'm back maybe we can talk, if you feel like it. Bye Natsu. I love you.

I turn and leave, walking slowly to see if he comes and stops me but he doesn't. I go outside and say bye to everyone, and I go to my parents, I don't tell them what's wrong, I just say that's I've missed them and wanted to visit. Over the next couple days I go to the guild but not for very long, I don't really feel like being there at the moment.

Grays POV

Lucy left the house yesterday, Natsu has been a right dick about it all, I can't believe the way he treated her, it does make me think is this how I came across when i dumped her for no reason. I have to talk to Natsu, he is being ridiculous about all this. I wait for him to come home. He walks through the door and doesn't even look at me.

Hey flame blame, you gonna stop being a whiny little bitch and come talk to me?
Screw you gray.

I stand up as he gets to the bottom of the stairs.

You do know it's all in your head yeah, about me and Lu....
DONT... Don't say her name.

He walks up to me.

And it's not in my head Gray, I saw and heard everything.
What are you talking about you idiot.
I SAID....
I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID, I meant what do you mean you saw us both and heard everything.
Don't play dumb Gray you know what you did.
No I don't, if your gonna blame me for something at least tell me so I can explain what really happened as I will tell you nothing happened between me and Lucy.
Well firstly I saw you both at the beach standing next to each other very close, and Lucy was saying how she was going to get you back. Then I went to go in to mine and Lucy's room and I heard you both, you were talking about how you hurt her and how it doesn't matter as she was going go get you back. Then I thought I was being a jerk and over reacting so I went to find her, but I saw you two on a date, so how are you gonna get out of all that, exactly your not. You wanted to get me back for kissing her when you were together, I thought you had forgiven me but clearly you haven't.
You are such an ASS.
I'm not gonna deny any of that happening because it all did.
LISTEN TO ME BEFORE JUMPING DOWN MY THROUT. Here is what really went on. It all started when I saw Lucy relaxing in the beach, I thought to myself she looked to relax seeing as we were meant to be training. So I filled up a bucket of water and threw it over her, she then stated saying how she was going to get me back. I'm not gonna lie it scared me, her Lucy kicks really hurt, so I went to your room to try and get her to forgive me for the whole water thing but she wouldn't budge and she was still saying she was going to get me back, she made me leave because she had to get ready for her date with you. Later that night me, Juvia, Erza and Jellal all went for dinner in a sushi bar, we saw Lucy on her own and asked her to join us, if you only saw us two that means you saw us when them three had gone to the toilet, we were talking about how she was upset because she was worried you were sick so I was comforting her. Now do you see what a complete dick you have been.
So your telling me the truth?
As Erza about the meal if you want.
We was trying to tell you but you wouldn't listen.
I have to go see her, where is she?
We don't know she wouldn't tell us, she clearly doesn't want to be found otherwise she would have told us, but she will be back in a day or two she only had a small bag when she left, she must be running out of stuff. Just sit and think of how you can apologise, as you have some major sucking up to do buddy.
Firstly do you forgive me Gray, during the picking process I didn't really go easy on you in the match.
It's fine Natsu, we both got picked in the end so don't worry. You just worry about Lucy ok.

He nods and goes off to his room. I can't believe him, don't get me wrong of course I still want to be with Lucy but I wouldn't do anything about it whilst he was still around, that's just cruel.

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