Getting to know you

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Lucy's POV

The day has come to finally present our projects to everyone. Each couple gets up and presents their projects, the teacher gives them a rough grade on their joint efforts to get to know one and other, how much detail is in their projects and how often they met up. Each pair have done their projects differently some have written essays and some did power points. Me and Natsu had fun with ours, we made little book time folders on each other, we added pictures and did little drawings, and we even wrote in each other's, only little snippets. We wanted to make ours so different to everyone else's. Our log was a smaller book, but it was very full.

So far I'm not very impressed, some of you say that you are couples yet there is hardly any detail in your work. Our final pair to show their work are Natsu and Lucy.

We get up and go to the front, show our profile books about each other.

This is a picture of Lucy when she was 7 with her little sister Michelle, they were playing with one of Lucy's celestial spirits, Aquarious.

Our books made people laugh, made them happy, and even made them a little sad.

Natsu was raised by a dragon called Igneel, he never knew his birth parents. On July 7th Igneel mysteriously vanished, since then Natsu has lived alone, that is till he found and hatched Happy. I can't show you an actual picture so we decided to draw them.

I show them my terrible drawings of Natsu and Igneel and my drawings of Natsu and Happy. When we finished showing our books everyone clapped.

So can you show me your meeting log please?

I hand him the book.

This can't be right?
Lucy it says that on the day I set this project you moved in to Natsu's house.
I did, we thought if I did that we would really be able to get to know each other.
Exactly if she hadn't of moved in I wouldn't know that she likes to make her pancakes in a really weird way.
Or I wouldn't have know when he snores he sometimes sets things on fire.
I do not.
Natsu you set the fire alarm of and slept through it.
I think it is safe to say you two have put in a lot of effort, there for I am giving you both an A++
Yes well done.

We high five each other the go back to our seats.

Well I am pleased today, Natsu and Lucy have shown that if you put in the effort you can really get to know someone, what's funny is they know each other better then some of the couples in this room. Well know this project is over that means that this class has officially finished, well done everyone. For people who were not happy with their rough grades you can come see me about extra credit and I'm sure we can figure something out. But as there is nothing else I now dismiss you all and look forward to seeing you all graduate. Well done everyone. Good luck in the guild.

We all get up and leave the class. We grab some lunch, I end up getting Natsu and Happy their food as they both ran straight outside, I walk to our usual spot and put the food on the table I then feel Happy and Natus practically jump on me.

Here you go 1 spicy chicken wrap, with extra chilli, and one portion of sushi.
Thanks Lucy.
Your the best.
How you two survived without me I will never know.
Speaking of now are projects over does this mean Lucy is gonna move back home?
Me and Lucy haven't really spoken about it yet.
Exactly we will sit and talk about it tonight.
Once you have cooked dinner.
Once I have cooked, hey don't be so cheeky.

Natsu me and happy start laughing.

Your project was very well laid out, you two clearly know each other well.
Thanks Erza
You two also make a cute couple.
Oh god don't you start to Mira.
What it's true.
Let's change the subject who is ready for the graduation ball?
My suit makes me look like a real MAN
Surely all your clothes make you look like a man Elfman.
But I will look extra manly with my beautiful girlfriend on my arm.
Your such a kiss ass.
So you two are going together I take it Mira your going with Laxus
Yes I am
And Erza will you be able to bring jelal?
I have already asked they said I can.
Great, and freed who are you going with?
I shall be accompanying Wendy.
I'm taking Cana.
Levy your going with Gajeel aren't you
Yeah, what about you Lucy who are you going with?
Well I haven been...

As I was about to finish my sentence one of my keys starts to glow and out of no where Loke appears.

Hi beautiful, hey Natsu
Hey Loke
Hey buddy.
What are you doing here?
Well I heard that the beautiful Lucy doesn't have a date to the ball.
Well I am here to ask you as my date?
Is that even allowed?
I checked with your headmaster and he said it was fine, I found out Taurus also asked so you might wanna be quick.
Go on lu lu, you said you don't have a date why not let him take you.

I look at Natsu and before I can answer Loke takes my hand and pulls me next to him.

You don't have to answer me Lucy I know you will go with me, I will be wrapped around your waist anyway I case there is trouble so I may as well be your date. I will pick you up at the house at 6. Bye.

And with that he is gone

Lucy I didn't know you had such handsome spirits.
No Loke is the only one that is well human.
Lu lu has a date this is so exciting.
Haha yeah I guess.
Hey Natsu who are you going with?
Happy of course
Aye sir.
I take it gray is going with Juvia?
I don't know what he is doing, he is toying with that poor girl.

As everyone goes on about dates and stuff I look at Natsu who don't look very happy.

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