You got it wrong

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Lucy's POV

Our training session will be over tomorrow, that mean over the next 4 weeks master will be choosing the team. I feel that I had made so much progress with my training, I even managed to make a stronger bond with all my celestial spirits well all except Aquarius, but I know she will always be like that, although she has gotten a little nicer since she found out I have a boyfriend. One day I was laying on the beach trying to relax a little as I had worked so hard, out of nowhere I felt extremely cold water hit my stomach.


I shot up and saw gray standing there holding a bucket laughing hard.

You looked to relaxed, we are meant to be training.
I have been training hard I only wanted 5 minutes to relax.
Oh calm down Lu, it's not like I threw ice at you, that would have been worse.
Oh Gray, you gonna wish you had froze me.

I get up and stand in front of him, very close trying to scare him.

I am gonna get you back, don't you worry about that. Bye Gray.

I walk off, I don't wanna look back but I wanna know if he is scared or not.

Natsu's POV

I hear Lucy scream and run to her. As I get there I see her and Gray, very close, a little too close. I hear Lucy say

I am gonna get you back, don't you worry about that. Bye Gray.

He watches her walk away. She is gonna get him back? But why would she want him back when she is with me? Something is not right here. I better keep an eye on these two.

Lucy's POV

I sit in my room, I've had a shower and dried off, I'm only in my underwear at the minute. There is a knock at my door.

One second.

I put on one of Natsus shirts and make sure nothing can be seen.

Oh hey Gray, what's up?
Can I come in?
Yeah sure.
Look I wanted to say in sorry for earlier.
Aww is Gray scared.
No Gray is not, I mean no I'm not... I'm not scared of you.
Well you should be.

He gets a bit closer, trying to intimidate me.

And why would I be scared of you, what you gonna do.
Oh there are many things I could do to you Gray.
Oh really?
Yes really.

Natsu's POV

I walk to mine and Lucy's room, I got to open the door and I hear talking, is that Gray? I put my ear against the door and Listen.

Oh there are many things I could do to you Gray.
Oh really?
Yes really.
I bet you regret hurting me like that.
Well I didn't know I would hurt you, it wasn't like I had planned it.
Nope you just saw your opportunity and took it.
Of course what did you expect.
Well Gray, I expect you to be nicer to me.
I am always nice to you Lucy, you know I love you.
Aww Gray I love you too, that is why I have to get you back, it's only fair.

She loves him, screw this. I walk off and go back to the gym.

Lucy's POV

Well Gray, now you know that no apologies will stop me from getting revenge can you leave now as I have to get ready, I'm going to dinner with Natsu.
Ok bye Lucy.
Bye Gray.

He leaves and I start to get ready. I look at the time and realise Natsu isn't back yet, I go and find him. I walk in to the gym and see him.

Hey Natsu.
Are you gonna come and get ready?
I don't really feel like going out tonight Lucy.
Oh, what's wrong?
Nothing, I just don't feel like it.
Oh ok then, well maybe tomorrow?
Whatever, look I'm in the middle of something so could you leave.
Ok, see you later, love ya.
Yeah bye.

I walk off, what's wrong with Natsu. Well, I'm hungry, I go and put something less dressy on and go and find somewhere to eat. As I'm walking around I bump into Gray, Juvia, Jellal and Erza.

Hey Lucy.
Hey guys, where are you going.
We saw a sushi restaurant down the road and thought we would try it out.
Oh sounds nice.
Where's Natsu?
I thought you two had a date tonight, or where you just trying to get rid of me?
No he is in the gym, he didn't really feel up to going out, so I decided I'd go out on my own, just because he isn't hungry don't mean I have to starve.
Why don't you join us.
No you guys look like your on a double date, I don't want to interrupt.
Come on Lucy we would love for you to join us.
Really? Ok then I'd love too.

I join them for dinner we have an amazing night, I forget all about Natsu being a jerk. After dinner as we wait for our desert.

Excuse me for a moment.

Jellal gets up and leaves.

And me I need to use the ladies room.
I'll come with you Erza.

Juvia and Erza go of together, it just me and Gray.

Are you ok Luce?
Yeah I'm fine. I guess I'm just a bit worried about Natsu.

Natsu POV

Oh man I'm really hungry I wish I had gone with Lucy, I wonder if I can find her, I should really apologise for being a jerk, I probably just mis understood things. Oh there she is, wait is that Gray. SERIOUSLY! Are they on a date? They look like they are having a good time, has he just grabbed her hand? Why isn't she hitting him off? I stand and watch my girlfriend on a date with another guy. I can't watch this any more. I walk away, she clearly doesn't want me anymore, she clearly never stopped loving him.

Lucy's POV

Thanks for listening Gray, oh look our deserts here.

As the dessert comes out Erza, Juvia and Jellal return.

Perfect timing you guys.
I was worried someone would steal my cake.
Don't worry Erza we all know NEVER to touch your cake.

We all giggle as Erza looks at her cake with such love in her eyes. Poor Jellal. What a great night. We all head home, I go back to my room, Natsu is already asleep, he must be really sick I don't want to disturb him, I get in my pyjamas and sleep on the couch. The next morning I wake up and see Natsu has already started packing.

Morning Natsu, how you feeling.
You sure?
Yeah, you best start packing we have to leave soon, I'm done I'm gonna take my stuff down stairs.
Ok, well....

As I go to finish my sentence he walks out, what the hell is wrong with him? Maybe he is nervous about getting picked. Well I best get ready, most of my clothes are already packed. I get ready and finish packing then take my stuff downstairs. We load up the bus and head home, we all go straight to the guild.

Gather round everyone, I hope you have used these past months as well as you could and not just messed around. Now over the next 4 weeks I will put you all on a miniature test, battling it out to see who I choose, the for the final month you can all prepare and get ready. There is a schedule up on the board, you can also take jobs as well but don't tire yourselves out. No go check when you will be fighting and who your against.

I run to the board, this month is going to be hard, but I know I have to stick it out if I want to be picked.

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