I live with Natsu

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Lucy's POV

I woke up that morning to a loud crash.

Aaaagh what was that?

I get up and go downstairs, I look in the kitchen and see a pile up pans, plates, bowels and stuff.

Little help please

A little hand pop out from underneath the pile, I run over and help him out.

What are you doing?
I was attempting to make breakfast, but I was attacked by all this junk.
Have you ever made breakfast before?
Not once.
Want me to do it?
Yes please.
Ok what do you fancy?
Ok I'll start them now.

I stat to make loads of pancakes. I start to put them on the table and I see Natsu writing something.

Here you go, what you doing?
I'm adding to our log that you have moved in, that ok?
Yeah that's fine.
And I was taking note on how you make pancakes.
Oh ok then, do I do them weird?
No they are awesome, you just do everything so precise.
Oh ok then, I never noticed, I just do it because that how the cook showed me.
Did your cook teach you how to cook?
Yeah, I was bored one day and she showed me.
That's nice, didn't your mom show you?
She doesn't know how to cook, not properly anyway.
Oh ok, do you mind if I add that to this, that you were taught by the cook.
Yeah that's fine.

We sit and enjoy our breakfast, after breakfast we go one get ready for school, I go and jump in the shower.

Aargh Lucy I'm so sorry I thought you were finished.
Stop looking and leave

I get out the shower. I open the door and see Natsu standing there with a bright red face.

Don't put that in the file ok?

I walk off and go get ready. I put on my uniform and go wait downstairs, I grab my self and Natsu a drink to walk to school with as its really hot today.

Hey Lucy
Hey Happy, is Natsu nearly ready?
Yeah he is coming now.
I'm here let's get going.
Aye sir.

We make our way to school.

It's so hot.
Here you go, I grabbed some drinks before I left.
Oh you are awesome Luce. Thank you.
No problem.

We continue to walk to school, as we get there we are greeted by Erza and Cana shouting at each other.

If you stopped drinking maybe we would have started our project by now!
If you weren't so high mantainance maybe I wouldn't have to drink so much!
You will be coming to my house tonight sober.
You can't tell me what to do.
I can when it will affect my grades a swell as yours.
Fine. I will be at yours tonight but you can't tell me not to drink. You wanna get to know me, that's the only way I'll answer questions.
Fine. See you after school.

Cana walks off, me, Natsu and Happy go over to Erza

You ok Erza?
She drives me mad.
Don't let her get to you.
I'll try.
Hey how did your date with that guy go?
It went really well thanks. We are going out again this weekend.
Ooohhhh sounds fun.
How about you, how are you doing?
I take it you heard about me and Gray then?
Yeah, sorry Luce.
It's fine, we are gonna stay friends.
So how is your project coming along.
Actually it's going really well, Lucy is staying at my house whilst we do the project.
It's great she is looking after me and Natsu, she made us breakfast this morning.
At least someone is looking after you now Natsu.
Yeah, we best get to lesson.

Slayed by a Dragon                   [[a NaLu story]]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt