Graduation Ball [part 2]

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Natus POV

Us boys are in the limo, talking about our dates and things we have got up two, I feel so out of it, they are all talking about how far they have gone with their girlfriends.

So Natsu what's the deal with you and Lucy?

Gray looks at me and asks.

Would you be angry if I said she was my girlfriend?
No, I was waiting for it to happen.
So your cool?
Yeah man, me and her just weren't right together, I could tell that night we were all together at my house something about the two of you together just seemed right, and plus I have Juvia now, so don't worry.
So Natsu how far have you and Lucy gone? I mean you live together so I'm guessing you have done a lot.
Honestly we've kissed and that's about it.
What about Lissanna?
I don't want to hear about that.
It's fine Elfman, we didn't even kiss.
Well I'd never kissed a girl before I kissed Lucy and with Lissy I never found the right time, we were never alone or anything.
It takes a real man to admit he is a virgin.
Has Lucy ever done anything?
I don't think so.
Have you ever spoke about it?
No, happy is always there it's not a conversation you can have in front of him.
Guess not.
Hey we are here.

We get to the ball and the place looks pretty good not as good as my Lucy, she looks incredible. We go inside and dance the night away, well first Wendy uses magic on me because the floor is moving and I don't wanna vomit on Lucy, we dance and enjoy ourselves. After a while I go and find Gray, I need to tell him about my first kiss with Lucy. I see him go outside and I follow him, as I follow him I see he is following someone, it's Lucy, he stops and talks to her.

Grays POV

I see Lucy walk outside she looks upset. I follow he out.

Hey Lucy what's up.
Oh hey Gray, erm nothing.
Come on I know when somethings up, you know you can talk to me.

I put my arm around her and pull her in to my side, she leans on my shoulder and we look out at the view.

I don't think I can this time.
Is it Natsu?
It's not Natsu, it's me.
I think I could be ready to take the next step with him, but I don't know how to approach it, it's not really something me and him talk about, I mean when we are alone we watch films and snuggle and stuff but we never do anything else, and I think I'm ready.
Is he ready?
I don't know, I mean when ever he kisses me it is really intense so I think he might be.
Look Lucy, I know this may not be my place but I assume you have never done anything like that before.
No never, before you I had never even kissed a guy let alone anything else.
Well Natsu is in the same place as you, he has never done anything other then kiss, I think maybe just talk to him, he may want to do things as well, he just might not know how to ask either.
Your right Gray.
Of course I am, when it comes to Natsu I'm always right.
Your awesome Gray.
I know, come here.

I pull her in for a real cuddle, I miss holding Lucy like this sometimes, but I'm glad I can still do it even as a friend. She is really special to me.

I best go find Natsu, thanks again Gray.

She kisses me on the cheek and walks in. I stand outside for a few minutes when I hear a familiar voice.

Hey ice queen.
Hey flame brain, what's up.

He comes and stands next to me and we face each other to talk.

I need to talk to you about something.
Well I need to tell you about mine and Lucy's first kiss.
Okay? Why exactly?
Because.... Because it may have happened when she was still your girlfriend.
Gray I am so sorry.
That night I came to yours for dinner.
I knew it.
I knew something was up between you.
Are you mad.
Yes and no.
What do you mean?
This is what I mean.

I punch him in the face.

That's for not waiting till I had broken up with her.
I guess I deserve that one.
But it's not like it made her change her mind about me, she was still going to stay with me wasn't she.
Of course she was, she only went out with me because you had broke up with her, she didn't even want to tell every one about us until now because of you and the whole Lissanna thing.
I regret that sometimes, but then again, at least Lucy is happy, that's all that matters.
Thanks for not hating me man.
I'd never hate you Natsu, no matter how much you piss me off, look I know this isn't my place but I think you need to talk to Lucy.
What about?
Wow, way to be blunt about it.
Well it's not like you don't know what it is.
That's the thing.
I don't know what to do, what if I'm terrible.
Well without sounding bad, she won't know, she hasn't done anything either.
Oh yeah, when you put it like that I guess not.
Go find your girlfriend dude you need to talk to her.
Thanks Gray.
No problem

We walk back inside and enjoy the rest of the ball, we have a great night, I even manage to have a dance with Lucy.

Lucy's POV

The ball is amazing, as it comes to and end the announce King and queen of fairytail, it's Mira and Laxus, of they are so sweet together. They share one dance then we all leave. We all head home, Happy decides he wants to go home with Wendy and Carla, him and Carla are so sweet. We get home and go up to our rooms.

That was amazing.
Yeah it was great.
I'm gonna go to bed, night Natsu.

I kiss him good night. I go to turn away and he kisses me again.

Slayed by a Dragon                   [[a NaLu story]]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें