Dont worry

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Lucy's POV

It had been a week since Natsu had asked me to marry him, we have had a romantic night to ourselves. We are laying in bed when Natsu turns to me.

Lucy? I need to talk to you about something.
What up?
Well I was thinking, now we are engaged, im becoming a man and maybe will even start a family one day.
Yeah, I guess.
Well your parents and sister are going to be at our wedding.
Well my dad doesn't even know anything about you, our engagement, the fact I'm part of Fairy Tail, nothing.
Well why don't you go find him?
Go find him, it's clearly something that is upsetting you.
Will you be ok with me just leaving like that?
Well no, I'll miss you, but if it's something that will make you happy that's all that matters.
Your the best Lucy.
Is that what you were going to ask?
Yeah, I won't be gone for long.
Take as much time, as long as you marry me when you come back.
I promise.
Then go, go find Igneel.
Your amazing Lucy. I love you so much.
I know, I love you too Natsu, I'll get as much of the wedding planned whilst your gone don't worry about a thing.

The next few days are a little hard, I say goodbye to Natsu, not knowing how long he will be, and what if he doesn't find Igneel, how will he react? I hope he gets what he wants from all this.

1 month since Natsu left.

Lucy's POV

ERZA! JUVIA! Where are you we have to go meet Levy then go dress shopping.
We are coming.
Hurry up.

I wait downstairs for them, we are going to pick out dresses for those 3 today, I've decided I'm having Michelle as my flower girl, Juvia and Levy as my bridesmaids and Erza as my maid of honour, Michelle already has a dress, so now we just have to find a dress for Juvia and Levy, then another dress for Erza. We head to meet Levy then go to the mall. We go in this little shop, it's specialises in bridesmaids dresses.

Hello, how may I help you today.
Hi, I need 3 dresses, 2 blue for my bridesmaids and 1 red for my maid of honour.
Ok, no problem. Follow me and I will show you our dresses.

We search around the store for hours, the girls try on so many dresses, none of them suit them, finally we see a dress.

What colours does this dress come in?
Caribbean blue, Snow White, Apple red and disco silver.
It comes in red and blue?
Omg girls you have to try this on.

The girls try the dresses on. I start to cry a little

Girls you look amazing, Gray, Jellal and Gajeel won't know where to look, what do you think?
They a lovely Lucy.
I love them Lu Lu.
I didn't think you would find one dress that suits us all perfectly.

We pay for the dresses and go for some lunch. We have a lovely day.

2 Months since Natsu left

Grays POV

We are sitting at home, Lucy and all the girls are looking at bride magazines. Me, Jellal and Gajeel are figuring out what to do for Natsu's bachelor party.

Hey Lucy?
Did Natsu say who else he would like involved in the wedding?
He said I could pick.
Oh, have you had any thought?
Yeah, well your the best man, so I thought maybe Gajeel and Jellal as ushers.
You want us to be ushers?
If you would like.
We would be honoured.
You know what that means tho.
Suit shopping.
Hang on don't you have to wait for Natsu to do that, so you can all match?
Oh crap.
We could go look and see what suits are nice, then we can suggest some to him.
That would be a good idea.
Ok we will go now.

Me and the boys head to the shops.

1 year since Natsu left.

Lucy's POV

I can't believe Natsu has been gone a whole year, I know he is searching for Igneel but he promised he wouldn't be gone for long, we all miss him so much, and I have so much to tell him. What if something has happened to him and happy? Maybe that's why they have been gone so long. I'm in the kitchen making dinner, I hear the door open.

Welcome home guys, dinner is nearly ready, how was the...

I turn around and freeze.

Hey beautiful
Did you miss me.

I run up to him and hold him, I can't stop myself from crying. We stand there for what seems like months, I just don't wanna let him go, in case he leaves again.

I've missed you too Lucy.
I didn't think you were gonna come back.
Hey, I promised I would, plus I have a wedding to go too.
Hey Lucy.
Hey happy.
Did you miss me too?
Of course I did happy, I missed you both. Come on let's sit down.

We go in the the living room.

So how the wedding planning going?
No that can wait, what happened, did you find him?
We did, 3 weeks ago.
And how was it?
Erm, Lucy, 3 weeks ago I found..... I found... I found the grave of Igneel.

I sit next to him and hold him, his eyes start to tear up.

Natsu, I'm... Im so sorry
You don't need to be. There was a note he got someone to write for him, it was to me. It made me feel better about everything.
Are you sure your ok?
I'm fine. He is out of pain, that's all that matters, and I know he is watching down on me. So what have I missed?

As I start to talk Gray and Erza walk in.

Lucy we are home, Juvia is still at the mall ordering the shoes and Jellal is looking at a car. How was.

They walk in and see me and Natsu.

Your home.
Hey guys.

He hugs Gray and Erza. He sees something on the floor.

What's that?
It's a baby Natsu?
Oh wow Erza I didn't know you were a mom, that amazing. How old is she?
She is 3 months, but she isn't mine Natsu.
Oh is she yours Gray?
Natsu, buddy, this is your baby.

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