Chapter 17: The First Fight

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I had woken up an hour before sunrise. *sigh, today is going to be a tiring day. I sat up from the bed and went to the restroom. Unfortunately, I had to walk all the way down to the end of the hallway which was about 25 feet away.

They're already torturing me. I made my way to the restroom and coincidently ran into "Tobi". For some reason I had a feeling he had another personality to him. I mean, isn't it obvious enough? Why else would Pain let him become a member?

Obito's POV:
I had bumped into the new girl that is apparently Itachi's sister. I recognized her from walks around the clan. Shisui would sometimes walk with me and tell me about her. In front of me, it was obvious he loved her.

(As a sister u dumbos who fell for it)

She was always a little sister to him. But no matter, it doesn't concern me. The only thing that does is getting those eyes of hers before the deal is off. "Oi! Oi! You're the new girl!!!"

"Yeah..I am." "You want to play with Tobi?!" "Sure..." "Okay!! Hide and Seek!"

Kira's POV:
I decided to go along with his "game". If I was going to be with this guy, I was at least going to get some info on him. "Let me just get ready first." "Okey Dokey!" I washed up and changed and then went with "Tobi" to the kitchen.

That's when an idea popped in my head. "Hey Tobi, instead of hide and seek, truth or dare sounds more fun." "Okay!!!" "You go first Tobi go last!"

"Okay, truth or dare?" "Hmm...Tobi scared so Truth!" Just as planned. "Okay then...Tobi, who are you really to make such an idiotic disguise?"

At first you could see one of his eyes widened but then turned serious. "Well,look at that. Seems someone caught me." He said in a much deeper voice. "Who are you?" "I am Madara."

I suspiciously looked at him. "That's impossible, Madara is and will forever be dead." He stared at me and replied "Well, that's what everyone thought."

Right when I was about to ask him a few more questions, Pain walked into the kitchen turning "Madara" into Tobi mode. "The first battle will start now."

I headed towards the training area and came face to face with Itachi. Pain then started talking. "Your first battle will determine your genjutsu level."

This is going to make me even feel more bad now...

We stood in our positions about 30 feet away. Once Tobi or Madara whatever said go we both activated our sharingan.

Third person POV:
Itachi had decided to make the first move which was placing Kira in a Tsukuyomi. What Itachi didn't know was that he was falling for a trap.

Kira while in the Tsukuyomi decided to place her own created genjutsu. Basically, her genjutsu made the victims believe that they were still in control of their body when they actually weren't. While Itachi was "inflicting" pain on Kira, in real life Kira was punching and kicking Itachi's real body causing some serious damage.

Kira decided that it was enough and released the genjutsu. Itachi all of a sudden started feeling extreme pain all over his body making the great silent Uchiha scream his heart out.

His ribcage, wrist, ankle, and both arms were broken. "Stop! The fight is over." Pain yelled/commanded. Sasori walked over and picked up Itachi and brought him to the medical room.

Now I just really feel bad...

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