Chapter 10: Chunin Exams pt.1

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It was 5 am when I woke up. I did my morning routine and headed out with an apple. An Anbu appeared before me as I was walking and I was told to report to the Hokage's office.

~At the Hokage's office

I knocked on the door twice and was told to come in. The Hokage looked at me and told me to sit so we could discuss something. "As you can see I called you here to discuss something. It has to deal with the upcoming chunin exams" he said. "What may you need to speak to me about for the chunin exams?" I said with no hint of curiosity in my tone of voice.

"I would like to ask you to participate in the exams." At the moment I was very confused. I thought I already became anbu so why would I have to take the chunin exams? "Of course your not technically going to be participating but you will be in the exams" he said.

"May I ask what role I will play in the exams Hokage sama?" I wonder how I was going to be in the exams but not participate. "You will be in your anbu attire but in a transformation justsu. You will act as a competitor during the first part of the exams which is the written test. These questions on the test will be very difficult for only genins to answer but a higher rank person will be able to answer them. This is where you come into play. You shall take the test normally. The goal of the test is to cheat without being caught. So, the genins will in their own discreet way cheat on the test and get the answers from the disguised competitor with the answers."

Heh, this was a smart way in doing the written exam. You have to figure out the answer but even if you do the test is still hard....

~At the written exams

I was disguised as a genin from Kirigakure. I had short blue hair and turquoise eyes. I had on a long sleeved mesh shirt under a black belly shirt. I wore black sweat pants and black ninja sandals.

I was in the exam room keeping to myself in the corner with my eyes closed when all of a sudden I heard a certain loudmouth boy and an annoying squealing pig. I opened my eyes to see no other than my team and class mates from the academy. A guy with gray hair and glasses came down to them all of a sudden and started speaking about his chakra like cards when he was suddenly attacked by sound ninja. They didn't touch him but he still got hit somehow. I activated my Sharingan only to see it was vibrations in the air. Interesting.....

The guy who I learned to be Kabuto ended up coughing blood. "Kabuto are you okay?!" Naruto said. "Heh, serves you right to insult and degrade our village" one of the sound ninja said.

"I'm alright Naruto" Kabuto said. I didn't want to even bother with the situation at hand since I they were none of my concern and I needed to stop caring for others. To be stronger.

All of a sudden I hear a loud poof and I see Ibiki Morino shouting at the sound ninjas about the rules of no fighting unless given permission. Everyone including myself and the other disguised anbus went to get a seat number and sat down. After being seated tests were passed out and I could see Naruto getting gloomy and the rest of team 7 staring right at the back of his head knowing he failed at written tests.

Ibiki then shouted "The rules of the first part of the exams are simple. If you are caught cheating 5 times you will be disqualified immediately. Also, if one of your team mates does not pass, the rest of the team fails along with them. Understood?!" There was so much tension in the air you could start feeling nervous.

Everyone was given one hour to finish with a total of 9 questions. This should have been obvious enough, I mean 9 questions for one hour? That would be an overload of time which meant there was at least something going on that the proctors weren't telling us.

Once they said start I flipped over my paper and looked at all the questions. These questions weren't even that hard they were even easy enough that I could answer them if I was 7. I started answering the questions and observed everyone. Hmm, it seems that some of them are catching on. They were all using some jutsu or kekei genkai to cheat off the disguised anbus. Sasuke was cheating off my paper with the sharingan. Hmph, he's earned his Sharingan. At that moment I felt happy for him. Wait, why am I feeling happy for him, I should've blocked my feelings long ago for Sasuke. I guess I have to start distancing myself more. I'm sorry Sasuke, I have to do this.

After about 15 minutes I was finished with the exam and just stared at the ceiling think about my past. Why Itachi why? If you thought I was going to fall for that then you don't know me at all do you? All of a sudden I hear "Number 48 you are disqualified!" Wait, that's my number. Why am I being disqualified?!

I looked at them and said "Why" emotionless. "You were caught cheating exactly 5 times" they said. Ugh, this is just like last time. I flashed and crouched on the table. I smirked under my mask I always wore on the bottom half of my face. I then whispered "Are you dense or something? Don't you know I'm one of the anbu assigned to disguise myself as a genin?" The proctors all widen their eyes and immediately apologized for their mistake. "Number 48 you are to stay in the exam".

I went back to my seat and sat down. I continued thinking of my past until something came up in my head. My goal. A new one to be exact. My new goal is to still become stronger and find answers.

~End of exam

Everyone handed in their tests and awaited Ibikis tenth question. Then suddenly Ibiki asked "Before I ask you the tenth question, you must understand what will happen. If you are to answer the question wrong you will be permanently along with your whole team never to be ninjas again. If you are to be right, you are to stay ninjas. Understood?"

Everyone was all nervous and you could feel it. Soon one by one teams raises their hands fearing to not be ninjas again. Tch, people are dense these days. He doesn't even have the authority to do that. If he did, the people who have taken the exam before wouldn't be able to take the exam over and over like Kabuto. Unless the hokage has allowed this to happen which I highly doubt and changed things this year.

Naruto started to raise his hands and bubblegum and Sasuke started burning holes through his head. He slammed his hand loudly shouting how he wasn't going to give up and that they can't scare him no matter what because he was going to become hokage. Everyone in the room started being more confident and no more hands raised.

Ibiki then smiled and said that they passed. Everyone was confused at first but once he explained the whole point of the test everyone understood the concept. He then told the people who were in disguise to reveal themselves. So we all stood up and undid our transformation jutsus. My team was very shocked since they knew who I was by my mask. After that we stood by the proctors being very stiff.

While Ibiki was talking a purple haired lady who very much liked wearing see through clothes crashed through the window like a crazy woman. She was early as stated by Ibiki but she didn't mind and stated that they shouldn't be celebrating so early because they still had the rest of the exam to do which was two times harder.

Everyone followed who I learned to be Anko Mitarashi to the second part of the exams while I headed to the hokage tower to report. Hmm, my team passed the first part. But will they pass the rest?

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