Rossetti is a major manipulator..

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Chapter 27 Rose 

 I woke up feeling a bit groggy. I felt the pain in my body. I tried to sit up but Dmitri tsked me back. Thinking that our daughter didn’t make it I sobbed. 

"Where’s our daughter Dmitry? Is she still alive?" I tried to asked weakly 

"She’s alive Rose, healthy and kicking." he answered. I sigh in relief. 

"Thank God." I uttered "I want to see her." 

"Later Rose, you still need to rest.." 

 Lissa and all of my other friends were there to visit me. They delivered flowers and fruits and congratulated me. Dmitri came in carrying baby Rossetti in his arms. He handed me our baby and tears started to trek down my eyes, 

"She’s too small." 

"She is but very strong. She has you lips Rose, look." he said wiping my tears. 

"She resembles you most Dmitri." he agreed and curled up beside me. Chris came to us. 

"Let me see her Auntie Rose.," gesturing for Dmitri to help him climb the bed. 

Chris peered over Rossetti. His expression was a mixture of astonishment and admiration. 

"She’s so beautiful! She’s like an angel. What’s her name?."He reached for 

Rossetti’s cheeks for a moment I was thinking that he will pinch Rossetti’s but 

instead he gently caressed Rossetti and planted a kiss on Rossetti’s forehead. 

"Her name is Rossetti, Chris"

"Rossetti,. "he repeated. "She’s so cute, can I play with her?. "

I smiled Dmitri then said .Baby Rossetti is still young maybe a year from now. 

"Okay." he replied scrambling out of bed and run to his mother. He talked about how beautiful Rossetti is

"Mommy, Baby Rossetti is so cute. She looks like a beautiful doll. Right dad?." 

"Yeah she is." Christian replied.

"I like her." he talked. He whispered in his mother’s ear but still enough for the whole room to hear. "Mommy, can I marry baby Rossetti someday? I love her very much."

We all stared wide –eyed at Chris. 

"Where did you learn such thing?." Lissa asked 

"From Auntie Jill and Uncle Eddie!." he said pointing at Jill and Eddie who were standing near the door. All eyes went from Chris to the couple. Jill was blushing and Eddie’s faced was unreadable, but I bet he doesn’t want his facade to crackle. We were all disturbed by a shrill voice .Where is my beautiful granddaughter?. It was Abe followed by my mom.

"Oh! She looks exactly like me." Abe said I just rolled my eyes..No she resembles me more. My parent broke into argument. We still end up laughing. 

  2 years later Rossetti grew up as a lovelier child. She was always spoiled by Abe but I always made sure that she won’t be a brat. Lissa and I are seated in the bench in the court’s boulevard. We saw Chris tugging Rossetti with him. He was telling something to Rossetti and the little lass will giggle in return 

"Look at them Rose, they look perfect,." Lissa said

"It seems that my son seriously wants to marry your daughter Rose."

"We’ll never know." I said and glance at Christian who came with Dmitri behind. 

We greeted each other and proceed in observing the kids. We rattled on our seats when we see Mion, Mia and Aaron’s son pulled the pigtail of Rossetti. My daughter cried. We saw anger in Chris face and turned to Mion wanting to protect Rossetti. 

"Oh! This is not good!." Christian said as we saw Chris forming his own tiny ball of fire as well as Mion forming his small whirlwind of water. 

"Stop!." Mia and Christian cried but too late the children have already released their elemental magic. But I was terrified when both powers fused swiping directly after Rossetti. What happened shock us more when Rossetti screamed 

and her star birthmark lightened as though acting as a shield to her. I run on her aid, she was still crying but doesn’t seem to be hurt. 

"This is your fault!." shouted Chris pushing Mion 

"Youre bad! You always play with Rossetti! You don’t let me play with her!." Miagrabbed Mion and Christian hold Chris. 

"Seriously kid, you should not go combusting all the people who hurt little Rossetti." he said. 

"But I want to protect her." Chris said. 

"I want to protect her too!" Mion shouted. 

"Seems that our little Rossetti here is a boys magnet just like me." I said meant it as a joke but Dmitri took it seriously. 

"She’s still too young Rose." I just rolled my eyes. 

Rossetti tugged both the boys and said .

"You should not fight. Daddy said we must work together. Right daddy?." peering over her dad. Dmitri smiled in reply. 

"No!." Both answered. The blink her cute eyes as if hurt for what the boys had answered. The 2 boys look softened. 

"Even for me?" Rossetti said. Wow my daughter is a good actress. 

"Okay, peace." both reached for each other’s arm. 

"Rossetti is a major manipulator like you Rose not to mention a real charmer." Lissa said and being the Old Rose Hathaway type, I winked and felt proud of myself. I caught Dmitri rolled his eyes..

"But Rose, Rossetti’s birthmark looks familiar and when I see her aura grow wow it was bright yellow like the sun. I never have seen such bright yellow colored aura.. "

That very same day, we went to the royal library and search about Rossetti’s birthmark. 

"Here it is, "Rose. Lissa called. “The chosen one shall bear the mark of a star. Carrying the blood of both human and vampire.The chosen shall bring redemption. Invulnerable to the power of the elements and he who seeks harm shall perish. The undead will remain dead, with his touch the creatures who rose from the dead shall blazed.” Lissa looked at me and said

“Wow Rose, Rossetti’s a badass. Wait there’s more."

"The chosen will invincible of offensive magic but vulnerable to a sharp shiny metals. A little prick shall make her weak. These metals can cause her death” we both gasped at the last line. 

"What? She’s like invincible to magic and strigoi but vulnerable to a sharp shining metal? A knife!." I concluded.

I immediately went home and hide all the sharp metals that I can see. I don’t want my child to be exploited and so I will keep this family secret until the right time comes. 

Stay reading!! Next will be the story of Rossetti and Chris!!

SEE Rossetti Hathaway Belikov, daughter of Rose and Dimitri of vampire academy...Check it out on my profile.....

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