False alarm...

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Chapter 21 Rose 

 I woke up feeling excited for the day. We are schedule to an Ultra sound in Dominguez Hospital, a much bigger hospital 30 minutes away from here. The clinic’s machine was broken so Doctor Esmeralda recommended another doctor. The last 2 months Dmitri had been very busy trailing for Strigois, he sometimes don’t have enough sleep due to his hectic schedule. I tried not to wake in up anyway our schedule is 2 hours from now. I help Linda in doing house chores, I feel better already. I seek for Linda’s help in making breakfast; I’m not really good in cooking because all my life I was good in fighting. I laugh at the memory when I used to mock Christian when he got an elective in cooking. All of the sudden someone’s arm was wrapped around me. I recognize Dmitri’s scent, he kiss my nape and caress my belly. 

"That smells good." he said. "Good morning, baby." and then planted a kiss on my belly. 

"Good morning daddy." I said. "What?" seeing him dumbstruck by the way I called him. He then smiled widely. 

"I love you mommy. he said. .Ready for the Ultra-sound?" 

"Of course." I replied. We ate together and prepare ourselves for the Ultra-sound. We reached the hospital just as scheduled. The secretary asked us to sign some papers them guided us to the room. 

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Belikov.. said a moroi doctor. .Dr. Esmeralda had informed me to your presence." she smiled timidly hiding her fangs from as, which is normal for her kinds.

"Let’s proceed Mrs. Belikov, if you may." she said gesturing on the bed, Dmitri was on my side. I grip his hand tightly asking for moral support. He smiled at me as though saying that I can do this.

The doctor had applied some sticky gel on my belly. She then placed a small machine and moved it around my belly producing a tingling feeling. Later I heard a faint sound of something. A heartbeat? 

"Ahah! Here she is. It’s a girl!" she said tilting the monitor screen for me to see. 

My eyes were beginning to blur, I cried as I caught sight of the small figure and heard the beating of its heart. 

"Do you feel like crying comrade?" I teased Dmitri seeing him in the brick of his emotions. 

"Shut up!" he said, pinching my nose. 

"The baby’s heartbeat seems to be normal. But she’s a little small for her age. I’ll prescribe you some vitamins for the baby okay?" she said peering at both of us. 

"Thanks Doc." We said and leave her clinic. I immediately went to Lissa’s with Dmitri on my side. 

"I’m so excited to tell Lissa and the others." I said why Dmitri is tugging my arms to slow me down. We found Lissa on the court’s boulevard; it’s a some kind of park. She’s playing with Chris and Adrianne who as always are fighting. 

"Liss," I called .I have some good news.. She came toward us handing Adrianne and Chris to her two royal guardian. 

"It’s a girl!" I shouted before she can even move closer to us. Morois and other guardians who heard the news clapped and congratulate us. I can’t hide my happiness all day. I hope this happiness will never end. 

Chapter 22 Dmitri 

  I was inspired to work all day. I can’t hide my smile because of so much happiness. 

The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant