Strigoi attack!!! Will Rose survive?? How about the baby??

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Chapter 24 Dmitri 

"False alarm huh?" Hans teased, raising his brows. 

"Shut up." I said concentrating at my work.

The next day in the afternoon, we travelled to the alchemist place. 2 SUV’s were loaded with Lissa’s guardian. I was in the 2nd van at the back of Lissa’s van. Adrian and Sydney were already there when we arrived. The meeting lasted 4 hours the most. Sydney and Adrian decided to come with us since Adrianne was left with Jill. We travelled back but Sydney’s car bagged down. We waited for her to fix the car but to no avail and so they decided to leave the car even if Sydney refused to leave her 'baby'. But the sunset is near and so they all loaded up to Lissa’s van. 20 minutes before we reached the court something hard fell on the top of the van.

"STRIGOI!!" One of Lissa’s guardian alerted. Instinct took in and sprang to the nearest strigoi I saw, I shoved him away from the van and stake his chest. More were coming I thought. Someone grabbed me from behind. I block his attack preventing him from breaking my neck. I then glance at Christian and saw him incapacitate the strigoi on my back. I moved eyes around and see 20 more strigoi on the run. I can’t keep track of my kills with the help of Christian but more Strigoi are still coming. We are clearly outnumbered. I saw one of Lissa’s guardian nailed by the strigoi and was killed. Christian was beginning to be exhausted and I don’t know how long I can take. We needed back up fast! 

 Chapter 25 Rose 

  I got out from the house after I heard the Court’s alarm. Guardians were loaded in the SUV and I ran by Eddie .Lissa called. They were ambushed not far from here, were going for a rescue.. He explained 

"I’ll go with you." I begged. 

"It’s too dangerous Rose". he protest. 

"I’ll just stay in the car." I said not waiting for his reply I get in the car.

As we reached the location I’ve seen about 20 Strigoi. Two of Lissa’s guardians were dead; Dmitri was fighting hard enough with Christian on behind him. Eddie got out of the car.

"Stay here, Rose" he said and I nodded.

Hours pass until the intensity subsided. Guardians had won, they yell for their success. I sigh in relief and checked if everything is clear. I walk out from the car and called for Dmitri. I hasten toward him to hug him but when he turned back his head his face was filled with terror. 

"Rose! At you back!." he runs toward me.

As I felt my enemy grabbed me, I stumbled but guardian skills took over ready to attack. He tried to pin me down but did not succeed. I smirk. Ha! I’m still badass after all. But reality hit me; I don’t have a stake of anything to incapacitate him. I shifted in defensive move just as Dmitri and the other guardians came. But they were second late, the strigoi had backhanded me and I flew meters away, my back hit a big tree and my head was slammed on the rocky ground. My body numbed and my head hurts like hell. I saw Dmitri stake my attacker and run over me. Eddie was on his back, I can’t neither speak nor move a muscle. Tears smear my eyes when I remembered my baby girl. Will she survive? Will I survive? Dmitri scooped my body into his arms, I can hear his heart thud. Eddie was ordering something to the guardians. They loaded me to Lissa’s van and saw everyone’s face filled with horror and concern. I started to taste the blood on my mouth. Dmitri snuggled me on his body, I fought hard not to let go of my consciousness. I want to fight for Dmitri and for our baby. 

The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyWhere stories live. Discover now