The castle is under lockdown!!

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Chapter 13 


 Thank God for another day! I scrambled out of bed quietly not wanting to 

wake Dmitri. I took a bath and went outside. 

 "Auntie Rose! How are you? Do you feel sick?" Adrianne asked. 

"No, darling." 

"Can you play with me? Can you give me a piggyback ride? Please2x." 


"Auntie Rose!." Chris called. I wonder how he got here. He’s only 2 years old but he can walk and run with perfect balance. 

"Hey what are you doing here bad boy?" Adrianne said. Chris started to cry 

"Kids its not good to fight okay? Where are your parents anyway?" I said when suddenly I can see stars. Not again! Not in front of the kids. I passed out. 

"Auntie Rose" both children screamed. 

Chapter 14 Dmitri

The beeping of my phone woke me up. I scrambled out of bed when I  saw Rose was not there.


"Dmitri, this is Hans the castle is under lockdown, Prince Chris is lost."

"NO!! I want to find my child! I'll go with you." I heard Lissa's hysterical voice on  the line.

"What? Hello? Hans, I'll be there." I put on my duster and dash out of our room. I  can't explain it. But I really had a bad feeling about it. I heard a knock on the  door as I opened it I saw Sydney and Adrian.

"The castle is under lockdown! What are you two doing here?"

"Adrianne is lost!" Sydney said.

"We thought she got here.." Adrian said.

"What she's not here. I just woke up."

"Rose!." they exclaimed.

"C'mon!." I said

My heart is beating fast. What if something happened to Rose and the baby?  And the kids... Where are the kids? We hurried to the court when we heard a  cry.

"Look what you've done!"

"Adrianne?" We exclaimed and hasten to follow the voice. My heart sank when  

I saw Rose's unconscious body on the grass.

"Mommy, Daddy!!." Adrianne run and cried in his father's arm telling them what  happened.

I reached for Rose and check for injuries. Lucky, the grass was soft. She was so  pale. I scooped her up and carried her to Adrian. In the meanwhile Sydney tried  to hush Chris.

"Adrian, can you heal Rose?" I asked.

"Of course, if you let me."

I brought Rose down of the grass to give him access to Rose. He touched the  lower stomach of Rose and closes his eyes. Rose started to gain her  consciousness. I heard Sydney contact Lissa to meet us back in court. As I look a  Rose again, her eyes were already open and she was trying to get a grip of her  surroundings. She looks at me guiltily when she turned to me. I hoist her up and  she protested.

"Dmitri, I can walk!"

"Don't start Rose. You made us all worried! Look what you've done to the kids!" 

 She knew I was furious and so she never answered back. She just buried her  head on my chest. We all marched to the court. As we reached the castle, Lissa  run towards us with Christian trailing her. All her guards jog with her.

"Mama." said Chris.

"Why did you leave our room?"she scolded Chris. Chris lowered his head and  apologized to his mom.

"Chris, never do that again! Look what you've done to the whole court!  Everybody's in chaos!" Christian said.

Rose head shot up and said.

"Christian! That's not the proper way to scold the child. He still doesn't  understand things.. "She protested.

"Sorry Dada!" Chris hugs his father. What a beautiful sight to see. Father and son.  

I snapped out of my mind and said to Lissa.

"I'll take Rose to the clinic. Liss, Rose might not be on duty anytime soon okay?"

"But----." Rose protested and she earned a burning look. She bites her lips and  never commented back.

"Of course! Hans will arrange the papers." she said after asking Rose condition.

I bade goodbye and went to the clinic.

The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyWhere stories live. Discover now