Anythingis possible

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Chapter 11


I woke up in the court's clinic. My head was spinning and I feel nauseous. I  rolled out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I vomited all I ate this morning and  slumped on the floor. I wished Dmitri was here. Someone patted my back for a  moment I thought it was Dmitri but it was Adrian.

"You okay Rose? Lissa will not be here at the moment. She got caught up with  work but they'll be here later." He said, helping me stand and lie back to bed.  

He touched my lower stomach and I felt a tingle of magic flowing from him. He  was healing me. I felt the pain slowly drifting away.

"Thanks." I closed my eyes. Relieve to feel good again.

"Are you awake Ro----."My parents came in together with Lissa, Christian and  Chris. But still no Dmitri.

"What's going on?." Abe asked. Clearly they got the wrong message.

"Dad, it's not what you think."

"Explain yourselves." his sharp eyes were on Adrian.

"I was just healing Rose."

"What?!Oh! Sorry." Abe apologized for his misjudgement. Eveyone was relieved.

"How are you Rose?" Lissa asked

"I'm fine. Where's Dmitri?"

"Uhm.... "She looked at my parents

"Guys, where's Dmitri?" I was starting to raise my voice.

"Rose, calm down okay? Dmitri was a bit upset." He thought the child is not his.  

My mother said.


I tried to get out of bed but three pairs of hands pushed me back.  Tears streamed my eyes. I can't imagine Dmitri didn't trust me enough to stay  with me. Everything we went through goes to nothing..

"Please Rose, don't cry, it's not good for the child." Lissa said.

Chris started to reached for me.  

"Dada! Chris climbs bed! Auntie Rose." His father released him on bed.

"Don't cry Auntie Rose, Uncle Dmitri lab you much" My heart was overwhelmed  by how a little child can sooth my broken heart.

"Thanks Chris." I kissed him on the cheeks.

"Auntie Rose needs some rest Chris." said Christian.  

"Let's go Liss."

"I'll go with you." Adrian said.

They all left the room. Only my parents were there. My mother approached me.

"Tell me Rose. Is Dmitri the real father of your child?"


"But Rose, male dhampir can't procreate with another dhampir."

"Yeah, it's what we believed. But there aren't many dhampir to dhampir  right?"

"Of course! Maybe there are cases like yours. I will investigate for this matter."

A gentle knocked on the door called our attention. It was Sydney. I  thought she already heard the gossip but to my amazement she smiled.

"Rose, don't worry. I'm not fond of gossip. The truth is that I came here to let you  know that there is possibility that you and Dmitri can have a child."


"In the alchemist record there was one dhampir couple who had a child. Their  names were Roman and Georgia. They were guardians of ---. "

"Xander and Abby Badica!." I exclaimed.  

"I know them. They resigned to marry each other."

"Yeah, the thing is-.her face was grim.There child didn't live long. Maybe a  week."

"What? You mean that I'll carry my child but it will die anyway?"

"I don't know. Traditions were there for a reason Rose. Doctors said that the  death was caused by unmatched genes."

"NO!." I cried and my surroundings swarmed again and I started to pass out.

The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt