Strigois on the move!

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Chapter 19 Rose 

 I started to become conscious of my surroundings. All I see was the boring white ceiling of the clinic. My hand automatically went to my belly. I exhaled as I feel the lump there. Tears started to fall off my eyes. But a gentle finger brushed them away: Dmitri. 

"Roza, don’t cry both of you are okay." he said lightly referring to the baby and me. As he kissed my forehead I look up and saw Lissa. 

"Liss, I’m sorry for spoiling the party." 

"Don’t worry Rose. Christian and the others went back and took care of it. What’s important is that you’re both safe." she said while touching my belly. 

"Thanks." I said and closed my eyes. 

 A week before I was discharge, many people came to visit me and deliver flowers and fruits. I was overwhelmed that many people were worried and cared for me even those people I never knew. The doctor said that I can resume to my usual routine for the next 2 months and I can already know the gender of the baby for that particular date. Dmitri treated me like a queen, he feed me every day, tuck me to bed every night and even bath me sometimes.(—oppsss---). I was in a complete bed rest I never take my chances especially of want had happened last week. I took the remote and turned the TV on, I listen to the breaking news and it said: 

“One man was found outside the bar, his blood was drained. There are no witnesses for this matter but speculation shows that it was a vampire’s work. Is a vampire really true or just the product of our imagination? Wait for further publication for this occurrence. Landon Cruz reporting” 

I immediately contacted Sydney. "Syd, have you heard the news?" 

"Yeah, Alchemists are already busy covering the tracks."Alchemists are known as the border between the vampire and the human world. But what bothered me most is the fact that Strigois are starting to call attention again. For many years they moved in silent but why now? That left a puzzle in my mind. 

Chapter 20 Dmitri

Everybody was busy. Striogois, undead vampire are starting to make a scene  raising the morois sense of uncertainty. Guardians are scattered from place to  place and securities were tightened. I was in- charge of the line-ups of the  offensive force of guardians. A year before Lissa became queen. Guardians  only lived with one particular order: protect your moroi. But things started to  change when Lissa seated on the throne. The minds of the vampires both moroi  and dhamphir were opened to the idea of direct striking. For years, strigoi  moved in silence it puzzles us why these creatures are starting to appear. Are  they becoming stronger? Do they wait for the right time to attack us? These are  the questions that are in my mind that remained unanswered. Alchemists work  on their own, things that never change. We collect data about the Strigoi's  activities but unable to locate them. We keep coming back to the places  where they are suspected to be polluted by Strigoi but no leads. Night time  came; Hans had already dismissed his trainees.

"Go home, Belikov. I know your wife is waiting" he said. I raised my head from  my desk and said,

"I still have many works to do." I said still engrossed with my work.

"That can wait for tomorrow." he said. Not a moment later Rose called.

"Dmitri? It's already past 11 pm, won't you be going home?" she said in a sleepy  voice

"Rose, go back to sleep. I'll go home right away." I said

"See? I told you your wife's waiting." Hans said shaking his head and took off.

I felt happy that almost all people understand my situation with Rose; they were  all concern about Rose's condition. I instantly cleared my desk and arrange my  stuffs. I drove my car to our home; our house is not far away from the court  maybe around 10-15 minutes of travel. As I reached the house, I opened the  door and saw the empty living room. I imagined myself chasing my own kids,  worries and despair reins my chest thinking about Rose's condition. Abe hired  Linda to take care of Rose, he provide all we need including the house despite  of my protest. I can support Rose, I may not be as rich as Lissa or Abe but I can  give Rose a well-off life. But for Rose's sake, I accepted Abe's gift.The house  have 4 bedrooms and 1 maid's quarter. 2 bedrooms are located upstairs and 2  downstairs. We used to sleep upstairs in the master's bedroom but changes  were made when Rose got pregnant. I walk on our room and saw Rose sleeping  like a baby. The tiny lump on her belly is already visible. I change my work  clothes into my pajama and went to bed carefully slip beside her.

"Dmitri?" she murmured half-awake

"Go back to sleep, Roza." I said wrapping my arms around her. Moment later, I  fell asleep.

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The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang