Dmitri's anger

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Chapter 10  


Christian and I were stalking behind Lissa and his royal guards. When I saw  Hans held Rose who is standing awkwardly near the wall. Lissa and Adrian  rushed on her side. There are panicked on their faces. We rushed towards them.

"What happened?" I demanded, slipping Rose's body on my arm away from  Adrian.

Adrian after seeing my expression was kind of shocked and gave me a  what-did-I-do look. In other circumstances I might smile but not this time

"We don't know she just passed out." Lissa said

"She doesn't have fever or anything" Christian said while he taps Rose's  forehead and neck.

"What might be possibly the problem?" I said to myself.

My composure was already broken and there's too much concern filled  through me.

"Look I don't know what happened to her. I can heal her but it's better to bring  her to the doctor so that we can have a diagnosis of her sickness okay?" she  said

"Sounds good to me." Adrian said.

He earned a spiteful look to me. I don't know  but I just feel jealous. It's not really normal for me to be that way.

They all look curiously against each other.

"Okay, Dmitri, bring Rose to the clinic. We'll follow after the assembly." snapped  Lissa

That brought me into my consciousness about Rose's condition. I look at  Christian, eyes pleading.

"Go Belikov. I'll be fine."

"Don't waste time Belikov. Bring your wife to the clinic for goodness sake!"  snapped Hans.

I basically ran from the outside part of the court to the clinic. Everyone  was staring curiously to the unconscious Rose. On my way, I meet up with Eddie  and Jill.

"What happen to Rose? She looks pale. she said

"No time."

Not minding who's who. I brought Rose to the clinic. My heart was beating  fast. The doctor decided to send me out.

"What?! I won't get out. Look at my wife! I don't even know what happened!"  realizing that I wasn't myself I apologize.

"Yes, I understand. But seriously Guardian Belikov, calm yourself while we  prepare test for Rose"

As soon as I was out, Abe and Janine was there looking worried just like  me.

"I don't know... I don't know... " Lissa said she just passed out. I exclaimed,  walking back and forth in the corridor. Abe and Janine watch me with disbelief.

"Belikov seat down and calm yourself! You're making us nervous." she said. The  doctor went out of the clinic and came towards us.

"Don't worry Belikov. You're wife's fine.." I breathed

"But I don't know what to say." he then said


"You're wife is two weeks pregnant."

"PREGNANT?!" all three of us exclaimed

The doctor looks startled but immediately went back to the clinic. Anger  filled my system. I want to kill somebody. How would it be possible that Rose and  I can have a child? Clearly I'm not the father of the child. Was I? I don't know  what to think. URGH!

"Belikov, surely Rose have some explanation." Janine said.

But I walked out and never look back.

Will they ever be back into each others arms??

The Story of Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov 7 years after vampire academyWhere stories live. Discover now