Chapter 26

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I'M BACK, BABY! HOW MUCH DID YOU GUYS MISS ME? I bet not at all. XD Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm sorry it's pretty short; I'm trying to get in the swing of writing this book again. It's been a long time. < 3

Lachlan's POV


"Hey guys, it is Lachlan here and this is day twelve without Preston. I-uh-know you all are probably already sick of these vlogs, but I find them entertaining," I start ranting to the camera. I only use this to help my sanity more than anything. You have no idea how worrying and scary it is to think that your boyfriend could be lost, homeless, or even dead right now.  It's actually been torture since he left. I miss his warmth next to me when we sleep together. I miss waking up to the smell of fresh coffee being made. Most of all, I just miss him.

I always ponder on the reason Rob came into his dreams in the first place. Was it because I'm not enough for him? Is he tired of me? And also, why didn't I go with him? I could have made sure that he doesn't get hurt when out and about looking. 

What if during this trip he gets with Rob? I sudden image pops into my head that makes me sick to my stomach. It's of the two of them making out on the couch, unable to control themselves. Preston overpowers Rob and he starts to unbuckle Rob's pa-

I drop my camera and rush to the bathroom. I hear the camera shatter into pieces as chunks start to flow from my mouth. I shut my eyes and all I see is the image again. It makes me even sicker. My mind seems to drift elsewhere as the liquid stops spewing out. I flush the toilet and take a deep breath through my nose. I hold it for ten seconds and release for another ten seconds. Each time is a shaky breath. My hands start shaking and it feels like I'm breaking down. 

I thought I could have went longer without this happening. I always told myself two weeks to a month. I guess that was just wishful thinking. I've always been a worrisome person when it came to Preston.  

I lean against the bathroom wall and take a few more breaths. I feel a single tear make its way down my face into my mouth. I salty taste comforts me a tad somehow. More of the droplets pour out of my eyes and onto the floor. Suddenly, and Idea comes to mind. 

Would he have service right now? Could I call him? 

I pull out my phone and tap on his name. A month ago I had named him Pressy Bear just because I thought it was funny. When I told him, he was laughing so hard. It made me smile. I start to smile just thinking about it. 

I press the call button and hold it up to my head. I sniffle to make sure my voice wouldn't be so shaky. 

"Hello?" he says. I smile. He answered.

"Preston, how are you? It's Lachlan," I state. My voice sounds like how it normally is. I didn't even stutter once.

"Lachlan! Oh my god, I'm so sorry for not calling you this whole trip so far. I was too busy trying to find Rob and planning our next area of the province to check. I feel so bad now; babe, I'm extremely sorry." He keeps repeating the apology and I smile.

"It's fine. I know you're very busy. Please stop apologizing. I just wanted to call to see how everything was going." 

"Oh, well, right now we're in Toronto. Quebec had nothing for us and I think I remember him saying he lived here before. I think we'll find him sometime in the next five-seven days. We've been here for two days already and-oh, hey Brandon. I'm talking to Lachlan right now," he interrupts. 

"Let me talk to him," he shouts and I hear Preston squeal. It sounds so adorable. I imagine Brandon chasing Preston around his room in the hopes of getting the phone. 

"Finally!" he sighs. "Hello, Lachlan, how are you on this lovely day?" 

"Well, my day got a whole lot better talking to you guys." 

"Haha, well that's good," Brandon says. Preston calls Vikk in his room to talk to me. I hear his little voice say that he's going to take a shower. 

Preston comes back and Brandon puts the call on speaker. We all talk for the next hour just ranting about anything and everything. It's actually calming just hearing them talk. It helps me know that nothing's going to happen with Preston and Rob. 

While talking, I got up from the bathroom and wiped my mouth of the vomit. I then walked into the living room to be more comfortable. 

We finally had to say our farewells because it was about it hit nine PM for the both of us. I just hope that they come back soon very soon. 

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