Chapter 14

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Also, thank you all for the corrections. I only missed one on my final and for the whole the whole grade I got a 98%! I am so happy!!!!! 

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter! < 3

Preston's POV

I wake up sweating like I never have before. Tears start forming in my eyes and I start bawling. Why was he there? Why did we kiss? Why did I like it? Why do I still feel the tenderness and warmness of his lips on mine? Just stop thinking about it!

I hear the shuffle of bed sheets next to me and see Lachlan up. "What's wrong?" he questions sitting up while rubbing my back.

"J-Just a bad d-dream," I state. More tears pour out of my eyes.

"Well," Lachlan comforts, "that isn't reality, this is, okay?"

"Okay," I reply. I look around the darkened room to see a sliver of light coming from the window. It must be daytime.

I stand up and walk toward my bookshelf. There staring back at me is my book of dreams. I pick it up and carry it to my living room. In there is a fireplace. I light it up and turn the pages into ash. I'm done with him haunting my dreams, I want to find him.

"Preston, what are you doing?" Lachlan asks as he kneels down next to me.

"Just starting up a fire," I state.

"But we're in Texas," he replies.

"So what? Can a guy have a fire without looking crazy?" I ask. He giggles and stands up.

"I'm going to make breakfast, what do you want babe?" he wants to know.

"Just some bacon. I'm not that hungry this morning," I reply.  

"Okay," he smiles the same old bright smile. He walks into the kitchen without another word. Another face blurs my vision, his smile even brighter than Lachlan's. I close my eyes tight, but his brown eyes haunts my every attempt. I shake my head, but his laughter fills my ears. I plug them, but all I can imagine is us on that bench, my head on his shoulder. I vision our bodies are shadows away from the sun and we are staring at each other. I picture the kiss we shared being followed by fireworks and sparks surrounding us.

Just make it stop! Please...

"Preston, are you okay in there?" I somewhat make out. I open my eyes and I only see black. I feel myself fall to the ground as if my legs gave out.

"Preston!" Lachlan calls. I hear a pitter patter of feet rush toward me and drop to the ground. I open my eyes again and see his big blue eyes.

"What happened?" he asks.

"It's j-just the dream g-g-getting to my head. Sorry for w-w-worrying you," I sigh. Tears flow from my eyes and I am consumed in a hug.

"You are fine, don't you worry," Lachlan states. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really, sorry," I reply. He nods.

He says, "It's perfectly fine, I know you must be a bit scared." He places a little kiss on my forehead. "Any better?"

"Maybe a little," I giggle. Lachlan wipes the tears from my eyes. I smile and he sets another kiss on my lips. I kiss back, hoping this moment would never end. 

"Now, why don't you come with me to cook breakfast?" he questions. I smile and he pulls me up from the ground. We walk over to the kitchen and look at the food he already had out. He had bacon, eggs, bread, and some butter out. I scavenge the cabinets for a frying pan and set it on the stove.

Lachlan puts some butter in the pan and I turn the stove on. As I make all the food, Lachlan wraps his arms around my waist and sways back and forth. I laugh, pulling away his arms but to no avail. He leans down and rests his head on my shoulder.

"You know I love you, right?" Lachlan asks. I nod.

He tilts his head and places a big kiss on my cheek. I giggle and flip the bacon and drop in the eggs.

"Can you make the toast babe?" I ask him. 

"Sure," he states and he finally lets go of me. I stretch for a bit and then get back to taking care of our food.

Once our food is done and eaten, I walk over to my room and lay down for a bit. I try to make sense of what had happened in that dream and why I had it. Soon enough I look over at my phone and I get a great idea.

I pick it up and start texting.

Hey dude, how would you feel about helping me with something?

What is it?

Would you like to go on a road trip with me?

Dreams VS Reality Poofless/TBNRdutyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora