Chapter 15

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Vikk's POV

Would you like to go on a road trip with me?

I raise an eyebrow, wondering why he would ask me that.


I'll tell you over TS with Brandon. He may be coming with me as well.

Nah, I don't like TS, can we use Skype?

Fine, if your going to be a baby about it. XD

I walk over to my computer setup and click on Skype. I type in my username and log in. I suddenly get a call from Preston, which I automatically answer. 

"Aye dude, how's it going?" I question, waiting for Brandon to hop into the call.

"It's going good, but I want to do this road trip with you and Brandon. I'll explain it more when he joins," Preston states. 

"What's going on gentlemen?" I hear Brandon say as he joins.

"So, I've got this plan, but I guess I need to explain why I am doing it first," Preston says. "This is how this whole idea started. Do you guys remember Rob?" 

"Yeah," Brandon says as I say, "No."

"Well, he used to play a lot of games with us. One day he just kinda left and stopped talking to us. Ever since then he has been in my dreams. It has gotten very strange and I thought that maybe if I see him again in real life he will stop haunting my dreams," he explains.

"Oh yeah, I remember him," I recall. "That was such a long time ago, wasn't it?"

Wait a second, maybe if he sees him again he will fall in love with Rob and I can date Lachlan! This is perfect, why didn't I think of this before?

"Yeah, it was a really long time ago," Preston thinks. "At least you guys remember him and I'm not insane. You guys in with me for this road trip?" 

"Totally," I state. 

"Yep!" Brandon shouts, blaring my headphones. I rip my headphones off my head to make sure my eardrums don't burst. Preston and I start to laugh at Brandon while he giggles at himself.

"Wait," I pause, waiting for everyone to settle down, "where will we go?" 

"I will fly both of you out to Texas and we will search all around North America. He should be somewhere around here," Preston replies. 

"I don't want you to pay for us, we can pay for it ourselves," Brandon states. I nod in agreement.

Preston says, "Okay, but we need a day that both of you will come. What day would be the best?"

"How about on the 31st?" I say. "It would kinda be like a way to start our two thousand sixteen off right."

"Everyone fine with this date?" Brandon asks. Preston and I both nod at the same time, which is surprising because of the Skype delay.

"Now, who wants to start binge recording for this trip?" Preston asks and we both say sure.

Rob's POV

I just lay down in my bed and think about what had happened that night. I can still feel his lips on mine and his hand in mine. Our hands seemed to fix just like a puzzle. I can't believe that I did that though. Why did kiss him anyway? Why didn't I just leave him alone and just walk away from him knowing that we will never have a relationship together? It's as if I just can't handle the truth. 

The only thing that concerns me is what he said. I wish this was real. Is it all just a dream for him too? Do we have the same dreams? Are we put into the same dream together? It is so difficult to tell the difference between dreams and realities now. They all just seem to blend together. Am I dreaming now and when I fall asleep I see the real world? Or is this the painful world where I am living a nightmare? 

I take a glance at my computer and think about the videos I used to make all the time. That was the best job ever, even though it wasn't a real job. Rob a dob flob will never get a real job. I'm still getting revenue from YouTube because the videos I have made in the past still get views. I have enough money to live a good life, but I want to keep making videos for the fun of it.

I stand up and stroll over to my setup. I sit down in the familiar chair and slid on my headphones. I open up my recording software and turn on my mic. Clicking on the icon for Minecraft, I wait for it to open to the log in screen and have me log in. Once I do so I see the opening screen. I really did miss doing this. After choosing a sever to play on, which was CubeCraft, I hop into a team Money Wars.

"Hey, what's going on guys? It's Woofless here and welcome back to another Money Wars! Yes, I know you all must be wondering, 'Rob, why haven't you been uploading a lot? What happened? Are you alright?' I will fill all of you in on that in another video, but for now this will be a 'Welcome Back Woofless' video. Now lets get this show on the road!"

Right as the game starts I hit tab and look at the list of people online. The first name I see just stares back at me. My heart suddenly stops just at the view of the  three people online. I feel my body start to slip out of my chair is surprise. I have to look at the screen again to make sure I wasn't just going crazy.

TBNRfrags, PeteZahHutt, and Vikkstar123. 

The crazy thing? They are all on my team.

Dreams VS Reality Poofless/TBNRdutyWhere stories live. Discover now