Chapter 9

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PLEASE READ! I am so sorry for not updating in about two weeks! I have been stressed out with school work and keeping my grades up so I haven't been able to write a lot. So I am sorry this chapter is pretty short.

But anyway, Sunday, at 3:00 Central time I will be live streaming with one of my friends! In case you don't know the time, it is Chicago, Illinois time.  She wanted to talk to some of you, so she wanted to be a guest! I hope to see some of you at the stream.

I hope you enjoy this short chapter! < 3

Rob's POV (What?!?!?!?)

I end the call with my good friend Brandon and lean back in my chair. How long have I really been away? It hasn't really been one year, has it? No, it couldn't be.

I force myself out of my chair and over to my calendar to look at the date. I haven't changed it since I went off and took a break. The last date that was crossed off was March 12th, 2014 so it must have been March 13th. That's when I was having dreams of Preston for no reason. I never had them before, but suddenly I started having them after I left the internet.

He didn't remember me though. It kind of hurt me knowing that I was gone one day and that made him forget my presence. I remembered him though. His face stuck with me like glue to paper. My stomach would feel so many butterflies fluttering around, making me feel like throwing up. I would yearn to see him one last time in real life, but I could only see him in my dreams. 

I never knew if he could see me though. I didn't know if he was just an imaginary character in my fantasy story line. Then I went on Minecraft after such a long time without it. I happened to get into the same server as him and fight him in the game. My hands were sweating, thinking of all the what if's that could happen.

What if he remembers me? What if he has the same dreams? What if he broke up with Lachlan? What if he misses me?  What if he wants to talk again? What if he feels the same way? But that all left when I was face to face with him and it just felt like another recording. Another Micro Battles video with Poofless.

Everything felt normal, everything felt like it went back to normal for one moment. And at that moment I realized that I, Robert Latsky, am still madly in love with Preston Blaine Arsement, and I will no matter love him even after about one year without seeing him in real life.

But, of course, I have to get through someone. And that someone is the one I have envied for many years. That would be Lachlan Power. He is so lucky to have Preston by his side, to know that he will always have someone who will love them and care for him no matter what. That's something I want so badly.

I walk over to my computer and hover my mouse over the name. My stomach drops and I think of all the possibilities that could happen.

"Screw it," I whisper, and I click on the name.

Calling TBNRfrags.

Dreams VS Reality Poofless/TBNRdutyWhere stories live. Discover now