A Summary of Last Year

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So, this is how my whole community was basically formed. I was a very bored child and wanted to see what fanfiction really was. I was kinda scared of it because I have heard how weird it was. I finally searched up 'Poofless Fanfic.' The first book I read was 'Poofless: The Mob and the Human' by MisfortunateMC. She was the one that inspired me to write 'Speechless.'  I guess I should thank her for making this whole thing even happen.

I have gotten into many different YouTubers this year. I used to only watch Minecraft, but now I mosty watch general gaming. I watch a couple Minecraft YouTubers, such as PeteZahHutt and SkyDoesMinecraft, but not many. My favourites this year would be Danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, PeteZahHutt, Chilled Chaos, ZeRoyalViking, Jacksepticeye, and Mini Ladd.

I remember starting out this whole writing thing thinking "Maybe I'll get two or three followers by 2016," but to get 94?!?!?! I don't know how to thank you all! That is almost 100!! I don't understand why you guys are following me. Hell, I don't understand why you are reading this! Thank you all so much, I don't know where I would be without any of you here.

Here are some moments I will never forget. The first ever comment I ever got. It said "This is a great idea." From Illuminise. I do not think they are still around with me today, but if so, they were my first reader. It was crazy to see someone actually saying something I did was great. 

My first follower. They are not with me today, I know, because I tried to look up their profile and it wasn't there. They weren't following me anymore either, but I know that is was the one who made my cover photo to this book. It was UndoubtedlyAnna. I never got to talk to them a lot, but their artwork is amazing. Where ever they are today, I hope they are doing well.

My first ever person I followed. I have probably followed someone before this one, but currently it is RainbowAlpaca. Their books are really well written, but they haven't been on for a long time. If you haven't, you should read their books. They are amazing.

The first message I posted on my page. It was "Wow, just looked at this page. I HAVE 12 FOLLOWERS? LIKE WTF? Thank you guys so much! *Gives cookies to all followers*" even back in May I still couldn't understand why people were following me. At least that stayed with me.

The most votes on a story was 690 in Before I Fall. I liked that book a lot. It was interesting to write. Chapter 16 was my favourite to write. If you have read it, you would understand why.

The most comments on a story was 483 in this book. There may or may not be a funny comment chain in Chapter 7 that you might want to read.

The most reads on a story was 11.3k in Speechless. I still do not know why everyone liked that book so much. It had bad grammar and didn't have a smooth plot. It was all over the place. Nonetheless, people liked it.

And finally, the person that got a follow for no reason, meromepoofless. Now this person has been with me for a pretty long time. I followed them because they were the 100th favourite. I am never unfollowing them because they got cake for being that 100th favourite. I don't want to take that away from them. (Even though the cake is a lie)

I would like to thank you all so much for being in my life, even if it may have been for one day. I would be nothing without you all. I didn't do this all myself, it was a joint effort. I wrote the chapters, you guys gave me the suggestions and ideas. You are all amazing, remember that. Thank you all for an awesome 2015. This has been one of my favourite years yet. I hope 2016 is even greater for the both of us.

If you want, you can follow me on Twitter. It is GirlyCrafter26 if you are interested. My YouNow account is CharmFlinch if you want to watch me live stream. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO. Just a suggestion. :)

But anyway, lets make this 2016 the best year ever! I love you all, and I have you guys have a wonderful day/night/whatever time it is for you. < 3

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