Chapter 17

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Rob's POV

Why did I call them? This is a big mistake. A BIG MISTAKE. I can tell Preston is confused by everything. I'm glad Brandon is here so it isn't so awkward. Somehow he already knows what's going to happen and when it will happen.

"Lobby eight guys!" Vikk yells into his microphone.

We all quickly join it and are forced into different teams. I am on green team with Brandon while Vikk is on yellow and Preston is on blue.

"Welcome to round two guys, and look who we got with us," Brandon states to the veiwers. I kind have forgotten that we were recording.

"Yeah, so this went from a solo recording to a quad person recording!" I exclaim and chuckle at myself.

After Brandon and I kill off red team, Vikk lunges at me and takes me down to half a heart. With panic in my eyes, I run off to my side. Thankfully, Brandon was there to help me fend him off. I heal myself to five hearts and help Brandon. We kill Vikk off easily.

"No!" Vikk screams at us. Brandon and I just laugh it off and go for our next victims. That so happens to be Preston.

"No please I fan," he states, running away from us.

One of my teammates run up to him and knock him out of the world. Suddenly, one of Preston's teammates start to duel me. He gets the better hits and I get slayed. Brandon finishes the rest of the people off with our two teammates

Our game comes to a close and we end the recording. It was fun to record after about a year of not doing it. I sigh and lean back in my chair.

"That was fun," I state. I earn agreements from my comment.

"Well, I got to get going," Vikk states with a sigh. "I need to record some stuff for my second channel."

"Have fun," Brandon replies.

Vikk leaves the call and it is suddenly filled with awkward silence. Brandon is finally the one to speak up.

"So, I've got to get recording for H3M. You wouldn't know that, Preston, because you quit," He chuckles. I laugh as well while Preston rolls his eyes.

"I've got to go too, need to fill my channel back up," I state. Preston nods.

"You guys have fun," he says, "I'll be here if you need anything."

"See ya!" I exclaim while leaving the call. I yawn and stretch my arms. Time for a snack.

I stand up and walk downstairs to my kitchen. I have started loving my new house, even if the parking is horrible. My car is almost a brick and metal sandwich! Hold the mayo.

I look in my cupboard and find a bag of chips. I take them out and put them into a large bowl. Walking over to my living room, I spread my body on my couch and find the remote. Pulling up Netflix, I put on an anime. I get too caught up in the anime that I forget what had happened moments ago.

Brandon's POV

Okay, I have officially became the number one Poofless trash member. I kinda feel bad because Preston and Lachlan are dating but Rob is in the picture. Should I tell Rob to give up his feelings or let Preston decided between the two?

Preston really loves Lachlan. Anyone can tell, really. I can  also tell that Rob is deeply in love with Preston but knows that it won't work out. How is this all going to work out? I can't tell who I should ship more. Why is this all so difficult?

I stand up from my amazing setup and sit on my bed. I look outside and see the trees leaves flowing in the wind. I even see kids on their bikes. Just a normal winter day in California for you.

I rest my head on my pillow and think about the mess I just got into. I am now going to have to go all around North America just to find him. Wouldn't it just be easier to ask him if he is still in Canada and go from there? I'll just go with Preston's lead, though. He has been in the dreams, I haven't. I would be desperate to find him and settle this if it happened to me every time I slept.

I move some of my hair into its original place and rest my eyes for a bit. I don't fall asleep, though, because I want to stay up to record some videos in advanced for the trip. Besides, I only have about four days to record videos for the trip. It's the twenty-seventh today, so I should get recording. I don't even know how long the trip will take.

I sigh to myself and sit back up unwillingly. The bed is so comfy that it feels like you could get consumed by it. I'm pretty sure I have a bed version of a cloud. If not, I don't know what it is. They should make fake clouds to sleep on. That would be cool if you think about it. Who wouldn't buy one? Why and I talking about beds and clouds? I need to record!

I laugh to myself and stand back up. I stroll my way over to the set up yet again and look at the time. Just about time to stream. I pull up all my stuff to start recording on Twitch. I quickly take out my phone to tweet out that the stream is in a few minutes. I read a couple replies and put my phone right back in my pocket.

I see in my chat a ton of early birds. I write to them that the stream will start shortly. They answer back with 'Okays' and 'cools.'

I make sure I have some mods in here so keep everything under control. Kara happened to be one of them and I send her a heart. She sends one back and I smile. She sets up Nightbot and people try to talk to it. Again, I just laugh to myself.

I check my camera and recording software right before starting. I take a breath and click 'Start Streaming.' Soon enough I am just doing another stream with my lovely viewers. A wide smile dances across my face.

Let's get started.

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