Chapter 18

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Preston's POV


Today is the day. We are finally going to get to the end of this. Vikk is flying out to Texas today and Brandon is flying right now. They have suggested just checking Canada, and right now that is feeling pretty appealing.

We have recorded many videos in advanced together so we can travel without worry. They are going to be scheduled at my office so we don't have to stop at a McDonald's restaurant just for WiFi. We will also vlog some of the trip because everything might look beautiful where we are going. We have told everyone that they are coming to Texas and that we are doing a road trip, but they don't know why. I would like to keep it that way, too.

I hear a ping come from my phone and I check it. It is Brandon texting me that his flight is landing in twenty minutes.

Sounds good, see you then!

I put back up my phone and walk out of my apartment to my car. Taking my keys from my pocket, I unlock the door and slide inside. I sigh as I put the car into drive and make my way out of the garage.

The drive is actually kinda nice. I can see the ground covered in snow with little snowflakes falling above. This may be Texas, but it still snows sometimes. There are some children in their yards playing in the snow; their cheeks as red as Rudolph's nose. I smile to myself and keep my eyes on the road.

I make it to the airport with time to spare. I put the car in park and look at the time. 12:23. Brandon's flight lands at twelve thirty. I turn off my car and step out. As I walk to the airport, I have a great idea. I run back to my car and snatch my spare camera. I turn around and sprint to the airport. I quickly turn on my camera and do an intro.

"Hey guys, it's Preston here and I am at the airport ready to pick up Brandon or PeteZahHutt! Now, we are going to surprise him. Just watch and learn," I tell the audience.

I sneakily make my way into the airport and find Brandon's gate. The announcer lady says that flight two has landed, which is Brandon's. I zoom in the camera and spot a wild PeteyHuttJr. 

"Shhh," I say to the camera. I go around the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones to make their way out. Brandon is looking out at the crowd and doesn't spot me. He pulls out his phone and starts tapping it. I feel my pocket buzz.

I walk around everyone and make my way to Brandon. He is now spamming my phone. I laugh at him as I am now behind him.

"Three, two one!" I whisper yell to the camera. I get a running start at him and tackle him to the ground. He screams like a little girl and I laugh. He pushes me off of him and shakes his head. I stand up and lend him a hand. He grabs it and we have a nice hug. I shove my camera in his face and he just laughs.

"Welcome to the land of the cactus!" I exclaim, turning off my camera and slipping it in my pocket.

"Thanks," he states, rubbing his head. We pick up his bags and make our way to where I parked the car.

While we walk to my car, Brandon says, "So, where are we traveling? Are we still looking all through North America?"

"I'm not quite sure. Once Vikk gets here, we will talk about it," I reply. Brandon nods.

We drive to my apartment in a weird silence. I want to know why we were so quite, but I rather not get into it right now. I open up my door and invite him in. He walks in and sets his stuff in the living room. I look in my bedroom and see Lachlan sleeping like a baby. I kiss him on the forehead and I see him smile. I walk out into the living room.

"You can put your stuff in my room if you want," I advise. He shakes his head.

"It's fine, I'll just set it here for now. Besides, it's only one day I have to sleep here. We will be on the road tomorrow," Brandon states.

"Well," I say, "what do you want to do?"

"How about we play some Smash Bros?" he suggests.

"Sure, sounds fun," I reply. We set up the game and play a few rounds with two computers. I win, of course, but Brandon is a bit salty.

"That was unfair!" He yells. "They were all targeting me!"

I start laughing while he slaps my arm. "That's not my fault!" I yell back at him.

He stands up and walks into my bedroom. Scared, I follow him. He grabs one of my pillows and attacks Lachlan. I sprint over to him and snatch the pillow from his hands.

I start to beat him up with the pillow while laughs slip from my mouth. Brandon is yelling "Stop!" Over and over again.

"Never!" I scream back. "Don't hurt the little Lachy!"  I look at Lachlan and he is rubbing his eyes. Oops.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" He questions in a tired voice.

"The better question is why are you sleeping at one fifty-six in the afternoon?" Brandon asks. I slap him with the pillow again. "Hey!"

"Sorry, got to defend my little Lachy," I reply. This earns me a peck on the cheek from Lachlan.

"Ugh, get a room you two," Brandon groans.

"We are in a room, you are just watching us like a weirdo," Lachlan says.

"#Leston! #Leston! #Leston!" Brandon chants as he makes his way out of our room. Lachlan and I laugh as we have a quick kiss on the lips.

I don't think my smile can even fade right now. Everything just seems so good right now. Vikk is coming in a few hours, we are going to track down Rob and finish these stupid dreams once and for all, and I will keep my fantastic relationship with Lachlan. If everything stays good, two thousand sixteen will be my best year yet.

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