Chapter 32: Sick days

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So I grabbed Bella and went to the living room and kitchen. Mom, Dad, Joe and Frankie were already in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie. Where's Andi?" "Still sleeping. Woke up feeling bad. Upset stomach. Just feels ick and run down." "Poor thing. She must be getting sick from all the stress she's been through."

"Probably or she's just having an off day with her 'betes. I told her to take it easy today and I'll take care of Bella since I'm feeling better than yesterday." "Well just keep an eye on her today and make sure she doesn't bottom out badly." "I will. I just don't want her to end up in the hospital because of her levels. She hasn't gotten that bad yet. She's only been in the hospital because of her anemia and when she had Bella. And may need knee surgery."

"I know sweetie. Come sit and eat. I'll help you take care of her so you don't have to do it all on your own." "Thanks mom." "Your welcome sweetie." She came over and hugged me. I felt so much better at that point. I decided to have some cereal so I got everything out single handed, which was hard but I managed to do it without dropping anything or waking Bella. I was about to sit down when Bella woke up and started fussing. "Here, let me take her. You just sit and eat." "Thanks mom."

She smiled and took Bella from me and went to feed her. I tested then sat down and ate my food. When I was done I placed my dishes in the sink and went to check on Andi. She was still sleeping and still look so sick. I sighed and checked her levels. She was pretty low at 52, so I gave her a correction dose and made a chart to keep track of her levels throughout the day. I wanted to make sure she didn't wind up in the hospital.

I checked her temperature to make sure she didn't have a fever. When the thermometer went off I checked the reading. It was at 100.4, meaning she had a slight fever but nothing too serious, but I still recorded it anyway just in case it got worse.

I kept thinking that she must still or may have whatever she had when I was in the hospital. I'm just hoping she doesn't get as bad as I did and neither does Kevin. I don't want either of them to end up in the hospital. I think the whole family has had enough hospital trips for a while. We don't need anymore for a long time. When I was done making the charts for her fever and levels, I went to check on Bella even though my mom was watching her. I just wanted to spend some time with her for a while. She just makes me feel calm and relaxed when I'm holding her.

I checked the nursery and saw my mom sitting in the rocking chair singing softly to Bella. She was singing 'A la nanita nana'. It was so sweet to see them together, i loved it. It gave me an idea that I really hoped Andi loved. I went to find my brothers and talk to them about it. I was hoping they agreed with me. Luckily they were in the music room messing with their guitars.

"Hey guys, I just had this idea pop in my head and I was wondering if you could help me with it." "Sure what is it?" Kevin asked. He seemed to be feeling alot better than Andi. I think with her diabetes and anemia she was taking longer to get better than Kevin, plus she taking medicine for her knee. Hopefully she doesn't get worse. So I told them my idea.

"I saw Mom sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery rocking Bella to sleep and she was singing the lullaby from the second Cheetah Girls movie. As I was watching them and was listening to Mom sing to her, I got an idea to make a lullaby CD for Bella to help her sleep since that always does the trick when she's tired and doesn't want to sleep."

"I love it. I think its a great idea. I'm sure Andi will love the idea." "Yeah same here. What songs do you want to put on it?" "Well definitely the song from the movie and other songs with that same kinda style." "So very soft and soothing kinda music?" "Exactly." "OK then, let's start thinking of other songs and then next time we go to the studio we can record them."

So we started looking up songs to put on the CD. We had about 15 songs done, when I went to check on Andi. I went to the room and she was still sleeping. She was starting to look a bit better but I knew she was still sick. I re-checked her temperature and levels. She still had a high fever, 102.5 and levels were still low, 52. I was getting worried, her fever was getting worse and so were her levels.

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