Part 35

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We are back in the car driving back towards Sunnyvale court, with an angry North at the wheel. After I had growled at him, North eventually backed down, and agreed to let me come along. North pulled into the diner's parking lot and I see that there are a couple of cars already there. A group of men were stood in front of them talking, one of them I instantly recognised as Dr Roberts, he was talking to five guys who looked to be only a couple of years older than me at least. My eyes were drawn to one who looked even scarier and grumpier than North. His hair and eyes were both brown. He was wearing a tank which showed off his heavily tattooed arms. His ear is pierced twice and he has a lip ring. I quickly move on, thinking that he would see I was staring. The next man had an olive complexion, kind of like Silas'; his black hair was long, to his chin. His dark eyes were hidden behind a pair of glasses. The next guy had brown hair, but what struck me the most was his eyes, they were different colors. One's blue whereas the other is green. I have read about it, but have never seen it. I couldn't see the last two's faces, but they both had blond hair. When they both turn around to watch the car, I'm shocked to see the same person, blonde hair, tanned and blue eyes. From this far away I couldn't see any difference between them. So this is Axel's team. I unbuckle the seatbelt and get ready to get out.

"No, you're staying here." North says pointing at me.

"I'm going to help, and you're not going to stop me." I reply.

"I'll strap you down, if I need to." North tells me. I glare at him, opening the door, daring him to object. North growls lowly, shooting his arm out and holding the door.

"Come on North, she can help if she wants. She won't be in harm's way." Silas says. North pulls his arm back. I get out before he can change his mind. I walk around the car and go to Silas. He smiles and pulls me into a hug. North points at me again.

"Stay. You can help, but stay." I roll my eyes but don't object. I'm not going to push my luck. As they walk off I grumble under my breath.

"I'm not a dog."

Silas chuckles and mutters something to North in Greek. I cross my arms, waiting. I see Axel's team all watching me. Dr Roberts waves his hand catching my attention. His hand goes back and then comes forward. I see something sailing through the air and I catch it. I look down to my hands and see a candy enclosed in them. I grin, unwrapping it, before popping it into my mouth. Dr Roberts winks at me.

"Who's the bird?" The one with two colored eyes asks.

"It doesn't matter." North replies. They continue to look at me, trying to figure out who I am. Silas and North shift so I am out of their view. They exchange greetings before North and Silas explain the situation, leaving some things about me out. They listen without interrupting. When Silas and North have finished they all look at each other, exchanging glances, just like my guys do.

"They know what South and Silas look like. They'll be able to recognize them." The one with the tattoos says in a Russian accent. I see North tense.

"We need people to get inside and incapacitate them. They can't expect we're coming. We may need your bird." The olive skinned one says.


"We're not agreeing yet, but what would she have to do?" Silas interrupts North's objections.


I listen for a while longer before I need to do something, while they are standing there. I walk around the car and quickly to the woods that go to my house. I walk through them until I get to Sunnyvale court. I quickly walk to my house and to the back door. I open it quietly, listening to where they are in the house. I can only hear my step mother who is in her room. I creep into the kitchen, once I know the coast is clear. I quickly walk through the kitchen, standing on a couple of creak spots. I walk to the hall and to the door down to the basement, standing on the creak spot outside of the door. I stop listening to the house, it sounds like they haven't heard me. I quickly make my way down the stairs and into the basement. I see the guys have all been tied up again, and when they hear me they all look at me with wide eyes, silently asking why I am here alone. I ignore them and walk to Victor who was the closest. I wrap my arms around his neck, relieved that he was OK. I pull back from him and try to start undo the chains on his wrists. I have to keep pulling back as they are hurting my fingers. Victor's voice comes into my head.

"You don't have to do this, you shouldn't be here alone." I shake my head and carry on. I hear footsteps on the stairs to the basement and stiffen. I hear the boys urging me to hide somewhere, but then I see my step mother at the bottom of the stairs. I straighten up and face her, hiding my shaking hands behind my back.

"So, you're stupid enough to come back?" I don't answer. I hear pounding footsteps above us.

"Sang!" North and Silas shout. They come running down the stairs, around my step mother, to me.

"Don't do that! You shouldn't have left us like that, we were going to help." North shouts. My step mother looks to both Silas and North.

"You've all come back?" She says confused. At that moment the doorbell rings. I sigh. My step mother ignores it for the first couple of times, thinking they will go away, but they don't. Eventually she goes back up and we hear the lock of the door at the top of the stairs. Instantly Silas, North and I are starting to help the guys out of the chains. I hear my step mother talking and then Dr Roberts' voice. I smile, the plan is going fine. Let's hope my mother believes Dr Roberts' story. I hear my mother start to object, but Dr Roberts tells my mother that he needs to talk to her about the drugs she is taking, and she eventually lets him in. When the plan was being made Silas brought up my mother's illness, and that gave us a perfect distraction. The plan was for me to get into the house, and be found, as I knew all the spots in the house which creaked. Silas and North where then meant to come in, so she knew that we were all there and didn't suspect something. After we were all together Dr Roberts would want to 'talk to her about the drugs she is taking'. She would hopefully invite him in, as he is a doctor, and that would allow Axel and his team to come and help us. As if on cue Axel's team came down the stairs.

"Whoa. What has she got against you lot?" Corey asks. I was eventually introduced to them all after Silas and North agreed to the plan. Silas shrugs.

"Good job." Marc says to me. I smile. Raven nods. We all get to work on untying the guys. There is a lot of swearing in different languages but eventually they are all untied. I breathe a sigh of relief, hugging them all. We just need to get out, without being caught. Again. I go up first showing them the way that will allow us to leave without making a sound, as I walk past the living room I see the guy in the mask. I freeze when he looks over at me, but he then looks away. I narrow my eyes, but don't wait around to find out why he didn't tell my step mother. Finally we are all out in the open; we walk to the cover of the woods and a couple of minutes later Dr Roberts leaves the house. We all made it without any of us getting hurt.

Here you go! Hope you liked it! I'll have another update in about a week again.

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CC ;)

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