Part 16

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A/N: Here's the next update hope you like it! I'm not exactly happy with this. Do you want Dr Green's POV of the car ride next?

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

CC ;)

"Now, are you finished with your questions?" Kota asks.

"For know, yes." I reply.

"Ok, Miss Sorenson, care to explain when and why you were kicked out?"

"When I went home, after you gave me the phone, my mom eventually called me down and asked where I was, I wasn't able to reply as she interrupted and told me not to bother, saying that she knew I was being a..." I pause not knowing how the boys will react and not wanting to swear.

"What did she call you Sang Baby?" North asks loudly.

"You already know." I say looking down.

"Yes, but we want to hear it from you." Mr Blackbourne says.

"She called me a... whore." I mutter. They already knew, but telling them confirmed it. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"That bitch!" Gabe shouts. "I know she's your mom Trouble, but she is a bitch."

"She's not, she told me she didn't want me to do that in her house saying I was exactly like my mother, and that I had 20 minutes to leave. I then went up to my room and packed everything into a chest." I say looking down with tears in my eyes. "I don't know who I am; my life was all a big lie. I don't know who my mom is; I could have family out there I don't know. I have only ever known the woman I have called my mother for all my life." I say through a sob.

"Miss Sorenson, would you also like to explain who was in the car you got into?"

"Jesus Owen can't you see that she's already upset and crying and not ready to answer another question." Dr Green says coming towards me. He pulls me into a hug, letting me cry into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Miss Sorenson, I wasn't thinking."

"Damn right you weren't." Gabe exclaims. I pull back and look to Mr Blackbourne. Dr Green lifts me up and puts me down onto his lap.

"It's alright." I say wiping the tears away. "I, um, didn't see his face, and his voice was distorted. He kept telling me he wasn't going to hurt me, he also knew my name, and he said that I couldn't trust you and that mom would be turning over in her grave, if she found out that I was relying on you so much... She's dead, my mom is dead.

I say getting hysterical. I never got to hear her say I love you. I will never have her brush my hair, put me to bed or say everything is alright. My breathing got shorter and quicker. Today was getting worse, I found out that the woman I called my mom was in fact not, that my actual mom was dead and a creep in a mask knew who I and my mom was. I heard the boys like they were at the end of a tunnel,

"SHIT! Doc do something!"

"Pookie, you need to calm down, listen to my voice and breathe deeply and evenly." I tried to do what he said but my body wouldn't co-operate. Black dots started to cloud my vision.

"Pookie, In and out, in and out." He says breathing along with what he was saying. I felt all the boys touching me somewhere on my body, the sparks started to run through my body and calm me down. My breaths followed Dr Green's voice and the black dots disappeared from my vision. I was emotionally and physically drained from the day.

"It's OK Pookie, go to sleep." He says sounding relieved. I rest my head onto his shoulder and quickly fall asleep exhausted from everything that happened.

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