Part 7

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Here is the next part in the story. Thank you to @lanewhitt for all the helpful comments. I have decided to continue with the story in Sang's POV as I was getting bored writing the same thing (as you probably were also reading the same thing). I will continue with the boys' POVs but at a later date.

Also if you haven't already seen this, I have tried and failed at doing an update schedule, so I won't be doing it. Instead I promise to update every week at least once on all my stories. I was finding it too hard to stick to doing one story so I could get an update for you, when I had inspiration for another.

Thanks for reading, voting on, commenting on and following my stories!

CC ;)

Sang's POV.

I wake to chaos. That is the only way to describe it. North's wolf West was pinned down by Silas' wolf Lykos with Nathan's wolf Lobo stood near, Gabe had his head between his knees with Luke sat next to him with a pained expression on his face. I could see Kota's lips moving silently with Victor stood next to him, his eyes had no hint of fire in them. Dr Green was in his bag frantically looking for something. What scared me most was when I saw Mr Blackbourne looking dishevelled, his hair looked like his hands had been running through it repeatedly, his tie was loose with a couple of his shirt buttons undone. They were all falling apart. A whimper was all that could escape my lips before I went back into the darkness that I had gotten used to over the past 24 hours. Unlike the other times, this darkness was plagued with nightmares. It always ended the same - the boys getting killed or leaving me and me ending up being alone. These images lasted for what felt like hours and when they finally stopped I was left in the darkness feeling even more alone. I screamed into the darkness for the comfort of my mates, for anyone so I wasn't alone anymore. When no one replied I cried and cried. It felt like years later when I started to have awareness of my surroundings. I started to hear bits of pieces of conversations, like I was at the end of a tunnel and they were at the other end.

"Let me...won't get better...serious!" Said a voice I didn't know. I started to scream again hoping that they would hear. I knew that they wouldn't be able to hear me out loud but hopefully the boys would in their heads. The voices slowly faded away. I gave up shouting as I wasn't getting anywhere. Time ticked by slowly. It felt weird because it felt like I was in a room that I could walk around in when I was only unconscious. Is this what my wolf feels like? I curl up in a ball and close my eyes waiting for something to happen. The next thing I'm aware of is nausea making itself known. I open my eyes and turn onto my side and vomit into a waiting bucket. Wait a bucket? I then realise hands are holding my hair back and a soothing hand, leaving sparks, is rubbing my back. Sparks! My boys! Before I can say or do anything another wave of nausea hits. I bend back over and vomit into the bucket. Once my stomach is empty of its contents I lift my head and see Dr Green holding the bucket, Silas holding my hair back and Victor rubbing my back soothingly. I look around the room we're in, realising we are in a hospital, and see my other boys situated around the room. I smile weakly at them. They all start shouting. I shrink back from them, not liking that they are angry with me. They all quiet when they see me shying away from them. North rushes over trying to comfort me. When he gets near I look up into his eyes and realise he is letting me see a vulnerable side of him I wouldn't think would have existed. He was crying. Not just his eyes watering, full on tears falling down his cheeks. I cry with him, upset at seeing my mate in distress. When he is close enough he pulls me into a hug, nuzzling my neck. That's when I realise something I missed earlier with Victor - I could smell him and feel the sparks! I sobbed harder hanging onto him as if he was my lifeline. He went to pull back but I clung on not letting him go.

"Baby, what's wrong? What did I do? Please tell me." He says anxiously.

"Nothing, you did nothing. I can just smell you and feel the sparks." I say turning my head and sniffing his neck.

"I'm OK West." I whisper so only he can hear me. A growl emitted quietly from North, as he pulled me closer. We stayed like that for a few more seconds when Gabe came up behind him and tapped North on the shoulder. I looked up into his eyes. My Meanie wasn't there, there was no spark in his eyes.

North let me go and Gabe came rushing forwards and pulled me into a hug. The smell and feel of him calmed me down even more.

"I am so sorry Trouble, I was meant to protect you as your mate and I couldn't even do that, please forgive me."

"Gabe, it wasn't you fault, nowhere near. My mother chose to do those things to me not you. Don't ever blame yourself." I say to him.

"And Style you neither, I'm OK now." I whisper. A growl rumbles through his body, as he pulls me closer.

Luke is the next to come over. When he gets to me he hugs me close and whispers.

"Are you real? Not a daydream? I don't care if you are but please make Sang OK!" He doesn't think I'm real.

"I'm here, I'm real. I'm not a daydream." I tell him. When he realises I'm real he pulls me even closer and tears start to race down his face. I sniff his neck taking in his scent.

"You're OK!" he repeats over and over again.

"I'm OK." I reply cupping his face. "I'm not going to leave you again, Reese." I whisper to him. He growls and turns his head into my hand.

Victor is the next to make sure I'm OK. When he walks up, I don't see the fire eyes I am so used to. I see eyes with no fire, not even a flicker.

"Princess." He whispers.

"Victor." I reply. He rushes over and pulls me into a hug.

"Princess, when I saw you like that I was so worried and angry at what that wicked witch did to you!" he says.

"And in all the stories there is a handsome prince to come and save the princess. You're my prince Victor. You will always be there to save me." I reply. "You too Theo." I whisper. He growls and nuzzles my neck.

Someone taps Victor on the shoulder and when he moves out the way, Nathan is revealed.


"Honey." He doesn't say anything else and just pulls me into the hug sniffing my neck.

"Lobo, Nathan, you both are the best mates that I could ask for so don't feel bad for not protecting me, you both will always be my fighters!" I whisper to them, knowing he will be feeling bad inside.

Kota is next and as soon as Nathan is out of the way he is looking at my hands and feet, his lips moving. I realise he is counting all my fingers and toes.

"I'm all here Kota - a perfect 10."

"Yes, my perfect 10." He replies pulling me into a hug.

"I will always have all 10 Pi." I whisper. He growls and sniffs my neck.

Silas is next and when he gets close enough he lifts me into one of his hugs.

"Are you sure you're OK Aggele?"

"I'm fine Silas. Your hugs always make me feel better anyway." He sniffs my neck inhaling my scent.

"You're always going to be my teddy bear Lykos." I whisper.

When Silas lets me down Dr Green comes rushing forward and checks me over. He was rattling on about medical terms, he said that I had my stomach pumped and that was why I had been sick.

"Dr Green, Sean, I'm fine now I have my mates."

"Thank God." He replies pulling me towards him. "You're always the one to make me better Ōkami." I whisper. Once he has let go of me, I turn to Mr Blackbourne.

"Mr Blackbourne, Owen..." I start but get interrupted by him.

"Fuck it!" he says before storming over and crashing his lips onto mine.

Hope you liked it.


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