Part 3

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It took us ten minutes to walk back. When we arrived there was a new car in the drive. I made my way inside behind the boys.

"Victor as you missed me so much I rushed over here as fast as I could and when I get here I get no welcoming party! I'm hurt!" I peeked around Silas' shoulder to see who was talking; there were two men who looked to be a couple of years older than me. One had sandy blonde hair with cheeky green eyes. I looked to the other man and met steel grey eyes. His brown hair was cut short and he wore black rimmed glasses like Kota's and wore a suit. One word to describe him was perfect.

"Well Victor, if it wasn't to see my awesomeness, then why did you call me here?"

"We all wanted to talk to you about something. This is Sang. Sang this is Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne" All the boys moved so they could see me fully.

"So that was why my wolf was going so crazy! Mate!"

"I'm sorry I think you're wrong." When you have a mate you feel sparks and they smell nice to only you. He doesn't smell nice to me and I don't know about the sparks.

"That's what we want to talk to you about. She is all of our mates and we don't feel the sparks you are meant to." I looked around at all of them confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"All nine of us are your mates. We know this as we feel a very strong pull towards you. I felt it last night and told all the boys to not tell you anything yet until we talked to doc." Kota stated.

"How come we don't feel the sparks?"

"Sweetie, can you talk to your wolf?" Dr. Green asked.


"Do you shift easily?"


"Is your smell, hearing and strength good?"

"Um... I don't know."

"Do you heal fast?"

"Faster than a normal human would but only a couple of days faster."

"Last thing can you touch me on the hand please?" I reached out and touched his hand. Nothing.

"What's wrong doc?" Gabe asked.

"I think someone is giving her something that controls the effects of the wolf. That would explain why she doesn't talk to her wolf, her healing is slower and why we don't feel the effects of mates. We just feel a strong pull towards her, our wolves react around her as well."

"Who?" They all looked at me.

"I don't know. My mom thinks I am a freak and hates me."

"Dr. Green, how long would Miss..." Mr Blackbourne started.

"Sorenson." I supplied.

"How long would Miss Sorenson have to go without the drug for it to wear off?"

"If her mother is giving it to her, and we don't know how long for then it would be a couple of days for it to wear off fully."

"How is she giving it to me? She never comes out of her room and when she does..." I trailed off at the end not wanting to tell them about my punishments.

"What happens when she does Miss Sorenson?" I looked around the room avoiding eye contact.

"Aggele mou, tell us please."

"She punishes me." I whisper so low that they wouldn't be able to hear. I heard a sharp intake of breath from my right. I looked up at North.

"What does she do?" Gabe asks looking confused.

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