Chapter 1

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"Excuse me mam, please do pull your seat upright, we are going to land soon" said the air hostess.
To this I woke up with a shock, I put on my glasses and pulled my seat upright. I was actually having a good nap at the flight from Bangalore to Pune.
Mom sat there arranging her handbag. I looked out of the window, what a beautiful city out there with the tall buildings and beautiful streets.
Its such a pleasure to return home after seven years, but I will be missing all my friends and school at Bangalore too.
We soon landed. I came out of the flight, taking a deep breath, admiring the air of my hometown,
"Come on drama queen, move on" came my brother's voice from behind.
We collected our luggage's and moved towards the exit, where dad was waiting for us. We exchanged huge hugs and moved on to the cab for our ride back home.

Hello everyone out there, its my first book. I'm really trying hard.
Feel free to criticise me. Do comment how you feel and let me know my mistakes.
Its a long way to go.
If you like the chapter , give it a star and keep reading there is sooo much more to come.

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