I placed the dirty dishes in the sink. It's been three days. I haven't heard anything from him since the day i left his place. He's not bothering me anymore. No news.. no encounters. Did he really stop messing with my life? I released a big sigh. I have no energy for today.

I washed my hands and dried them with my hand towel. I exited the kitchen and saw the secretary of my boss outside his office. Huh? She looks mad. Her hands are resting on her hips and she's tapping her foot like she's calming herself.

"I swear if you don't get out of your damn office i will kick this freaking door!" She said angrily.

Oh hombre. This is bad. I walk towards her angry self. I hope she doesn't hit me.

"Uhmm. E-Excuse me Ma'am?"

She turned her attention towards me. Her expression soften when she realized it's just me. Oh goodness. I'm thankful she didn't hit me.

"Oh Alexis. You're here. I'm sorry about that. Your boss just pissed me of big time."

I brushed my hair back with my fingers. I will really cut this. It's so frustrating. Huh? What did he do this time? That's kinda rare.

"Ugh nevermind. By the way, where's your friend who tags along with you every time?"

My friend? Oh.

"Do you mean Cai? He can't come today. He said he has some important things to do. He's quite busy. W-Why?"

My eyebrows furrowed nervously. What about him? Did he do something bad? Her lips twitched into a cheeky smile. She raised her fist and knocked loudly on boss's door. That surprised me a little.

"Did you hear that? So come out of your damn office right now and stop hiding!"

I looked at her weirdly. Hiding? From who? After a few seconds, surprisingly, i heard a click and the door opened revealing my boss.

"I'm not hiding."

He hissed. His secretary just rolled her eyes then suddenly she grabbed my hands and smiled.

"Thank you so much Alexis. I owe you a lot. An old baby decided to hide himself in his office to avoid being harassed by a young ginger guy. That's so immature right?"

What? Wait. He's hiding from Cai? Oh now i understand. I can't help but to laugh. Boss just glared at me. Now I remember. Cai decided to tag along with me in my shift every time since i get back here. He's always following boss around, well let's say harassing him if that's what they want to call it. The customers are having fun watching them. I can't deny that they look good together. I think it's kinda cute. But i think boss doesn't like that idea.

"Stop this nonsense. Go back to work, Al. No slacking around. Many customers are starting to arrive. Go."

I shook my head and bit my lower lip to stop from laughing. But his secretary is laughing so loud. A giggle escaped from me. Oops. He's starting to get irritated. Maybe it's a good idea to go now.

"See ya around, boss!"

I said and decided to get back to my work. I never thought teasing boss is quite fun. Should i tell Cai about that? Hmm. Let me think about it. Just kidding. Okay. I'll stop now. You need to focus now Alexis and do your job. I took a big sigh and did my best smile. Chop chop! There are many things you need to do Al.

"News flash."

I walk towards a table and started to gather the plates and utensils as i listen to the news.

Taming The Devil (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now