Chapter 16: Unsteady

Start from the beginning

" I have to leave," I whispered, more to myself than him.

"What?! Veronica stop!" He said, his voice rising.

I didn't.

I kept packing. I tried to get everything that I could fit into this small suit case. I would leave my things that were in the bathroom. I wouldn't have made it that far and I could always come back.

"Veronica!" His voice was getting louder at the same time my small voice said

"Have to go;have to..."

I could barely hear him over the thudding of my own heart in my ears. I had enough clothes to last me for a few days. I could always come back to get more clothing later. Maybe when no one was here; It would be easier that way. No one to face. No long goodbye's. Too painful.

Kyle was following me around the room like a shadow clinging to my every move. He was saying something, yet I heard nothing. I could tell he was speaking, but it was background noise. The pounding of my own heart mixed with the thoughts swirling in my head took precedence over his voice.I could feel more tears building up behind my eyes. The annoying prickle came creeping back up, threatening to give my strong will a run. I blinked at the feeling, trying to clear my eyes. I can't break down now; not again, not here. I needed to get through this.I needed to leave. The beating of my own heart was so intense that it felt as if a rib bone was digging into it. Gosh, this hurts.

"Veronica!" Kyle shouted for the last time.

His voice finally broke through to me, ringing loudly and hanging in the air. It seemed to bounce off of the walls and hit me. I jumped back, flinching away from the scream.

I finally turned to face him. His eyes seemed to be filled with worry, then hurt maybe, at my recoil. I clenched my muscles together, willing them to stop shaking, to stop backing away. My chest constricted as more tears bubbled to the surface.

His chest rose and fell at a rapid rate, similar to mine, I looked down at it and then back up to his eyes. Why? He was the one that was making this harder. Him stopping me-- him looking at me-- made all of my will evaporate. The pressure was too great to take. The wall of sobs sprung open, Sending waves of tears down. Broken sobs came swimming out, racking my body along the way. I went sinking to the ground.

I was broken...

***Kyle's POV***

I called her name one last time. My voice was so loud that it shocked me. She looked back at me with her eyes widened. I could see her shaking. I could see the way she flinched back at her name being yelled. Damnit! Of course she would be scared. After everything she had been through with Ethan and now here I am screaming at her. It probably reminded her of him. Damnit again! Why did I keep messing up tonight?

She finally broke through, crumbling down to the ground, back into the position she was in when I walked into the room. her body tried to fold up onto itself. Her smaller frame became smaller as she held onto herself. I could see every ounce of hurt that she was experiencing. She was sobbing uncontrollably now. She looked so small, so vulnerable. It broke my heart to see this side of her. It broke my heart that I was the one to do this...

She continued to cry. I feel horrible. She needs to listen to me.

"Hey, hey listen. I need to tell you something,"I mumbled to her. I placed my hands up as if I was to a wounded animal to show there was no threat. She looked up at me and lowered her legs from her chest. She sniffled. I wiped the tears away with my thumb, ignoring the slight recoil, then grabbed her hands. I held onto them.

"Please listen. You did nothing wrong. Like I was going to tell you before all of that packing, I was the one that was wrong. You were right. It was your birthday time. It was supposed to just be us. You don't need to lock me out. I was the one that was being a huge jerk. I never thought that it would get that far," I began pausing to take a breath.

"But that girl-"

I put my hand up to silence her.

"The whole reason that I even went to dance with her is because of Nicholas. He was trying to get your attention. He could see how amazing you were from just a few seconds. He was the one that had the guts to say something to you. I was jealous of him. I was so upset to see him wanting you. Wanting something that wasn't really mine to want... So I decided that I would go with her so you could have a chance at someone that could be brave. Maybe I was hoping you would get jealous too, if I was so lucky. And because of that, I messed everything up for us. You were supposed to have a fun night. I didn't plan on it ending in tears because of my dumb ass..."

I took a deep breath, steadying myself for what I needed to say. I had no doubt now that this is what we both needed to hear. My heart gave a thump in reply to my thoughts. My stomach clenched. I could feel my hands tense up and become clammy. Smooth Kyle.

"You didn't mess anything up. That was me. You finally said what I've been too scared to say since we went camping.

"But, I thought-"

"And that's another thing. I've been thinking too. A lot since camping. When you told me what happened with Ethan, I felt how you let me in.I listened. I was upset at him doing those things to you. And to think of him even maybe coming back made my skin crawl. I didn't want anyone to hurt you. I still don't. I wanted to be the one that you lean on and the one that can show you that not all men are like that. I wanted to be the one to show you that I can be what you need. I wanted you. I never thought that I would be the one I needed to protect you from. I'm so so so sorry that it took this for me to say something to you." I paused again, collecting my thoughts.

Veronica gave me a look that I couldn't decipher. Her green eyes were wide, searching my face in return. It was almost as if she couldn't believe what I was saying. She acted as though she could breathe too hard and this would all melt away. I let out a shaky breath again. Her eyes shot back up to mine. I could see even more tears that were ready to escape.

***Veronica's POV***

I leaned forward, not wasting any time. Not anymore. Before I closed my eyes, I saw his widen. I could tell that I took him by surprise, but I needed this. Our lips met softly at first, Shy and tender. Kyle snaked his arms around me, pulling me forward, onto my knees. We were chest to chest. I let my arms reach around his neck, giving a squeeze. I could feel his heart beating against mine. The rhythm matched my sped up pace.

that made me smirk against his lips. Becoming brave, I opened my mouth against his. He followed my lead, grabbing a better hold of me. He pulled me as close as I could get, deepening the kiss as he did so. My body instantly heated up, sending a blush all over my body. His tongue gently stroked mine, hungry for more

Before I could do anything else, Kyle broke free, all but gasping for air. He laid his head against mine, nuzzling me slightly.

"Sorry"I murmured, panting.

"Don't be." He whispered. He gave me a small but very sweet kiss.

He looked into my eyes with his bright orb like eyes. He gave me another squeeze, pulling me onto his lap.

"You're not going anywhere," he breathed.

I let out a shaky, breathy laugh and shook my head, a smile playing at the corners of my lips.

No, I'm not..


Not much to say here. Just want to say that I am editing this book, so If there are any mistakes, please be kind. I did originally have a different name for Veronica's ex. So if you see any other name other than Ethan when they talk about him, just know I missed that. Letting me know would be great! Thank you all

I love you!


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