Chapter 15- The Deal

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Three very long earth years have passed but the plan is finally complete as well as all the things I needed to get done. I will tell Tsunade most of the plan but the ending will remain secret until we cross that bridge. For now, I will speak with the devil and make the deal.

“Master, I request a meeting with you.” I said as I walked through his office doors.

“Of course my sweet. What seems to be on your pretty little mind?” He asked as he placed his paint brush down since he was filling out documents and gave me his undivided attention.

“Remember that loop hole I created when you first took my soul and made me reaper? That one chance deal?” I asked him with hidden annoyance as I sat down in front of his desk.

The devil smirked evilly and poured himself some liquor before answering.

“What kind of deal would you like to make my sweet?” He asked before sipping the sickly sweet poison on the rocks.

I’m so sick of the pet names.

“I wish to be released from reaping for a while.” I said as I sat with a business-like posture.

The room seemed tense and I was extremely nervous to be honest but I did everything in my power to hide it. Calming down my heart beat was a bit of a challenge but I’m holding stable.

“How long?” He asked in amusement.

“Let’s make this interesting and give me a year. However, I want to challenge you.” I said as I eased my way into phase one of the plan.

“A challenge you say? Challenge for what?”

“I’m not stupid. I know about the army.” I stated with confidence.

“Do you now? So you know about my plans to use you and the souls you’ve collected to take over the surface?” He said with a wicked smile and happy tone to his demonic voice.

“I figured as much. So here’s what I propose. I don’t want that to happen. I want to challenge you in combat. In one year time I will train on the surface and then fight you. If I win, you will remove your plans on taking over the surface and set me free to live my life up there. If I lose, I will make myself yours and yours only. I will even help with your plans.” I said as I looked straight into his dark black eyes.

Little does he know that either way, I know a way to make it so he won’t ever get me.

“Let me get this straight, you want to go to the surface relieved of reaping for one year and you will train and fight me after that whole year for the safety of life on the surface? But if you lose, you will unconditionally become loyal to me and only me? With glee and evil thoughts and actions welcomed?” He asked to clarify.

“That’s not all. I will go to the surface with all my chakra still intact as well as reaper chakra. I will still have the ability to summon my wolves but you can take my scythe till the time comes.” I said to make sure that I wouldn’t get ripped off the deal.

“Anything else?” The devil asked with a smirk.

“No demons are allowed to watch over me or the village. I want complete privacy as I train. It’s only fair.” I said as I shifted my upper body a bit to keep from looking nervous.”

“You’ve put quite a lot of thought into this…I accept this deal on one condition.” He said as he looked into his half empty liquor glass.

“What is it?”

“If you were to somehow become impregnated, I will take your child and raise it down here with you never seeing it if you fail. If you succeed, I will leave you alone for good.” He said.

If I agree to this, I will be no different from my own mother….no I will not be like her. I will protect my child this time, if I were to have one.

“Good luck with that. I don’t think I’ll be having any children. They are vile little bastards.” I said as a lie to keep my demonic act up.

“We shall see my dear. This is quite exciting. Let’s put this on paper to seal the deal properly.” He said as he got up and grabbed some extra paper.

He skillfully wrote the contract in a few moments with incredible speed and I made sure to read every little bit of it before signing. I made sure he didn’t create a trap or loopholes of any kind and then I signed my name in blood.

“As you probably know my dear, it will be very hard to control yourself with raw reaper chakra just building inside of you. If you do not learn to harvest and control this chakra within a few hours, you will be out with a poor start.” He said before signing his name on the contract.

“That doesn’t concern you anymore. I’ll see you in one year time.” I said before turning to leave.

“One more thing before you leave my dear.” He suddenly said before quickly approaching me.

He surprised me by touching my chest with his pointer fingernail and once he turned around, there was a black substance growing and poisoning me.

“You bastard!” I said angrily as I tried to control my sudden panic.

“That is punishment for finding out my plan and not telling me till now. Happy vacationing…if you can survive that demon I placed within you.” He said before licking his lips.

I walked away with haste and began my teleportation jutsu to the surface. I had to destroy this as fast as possible.

Wow, the story is getting interesting! Don’t worry; there will be a sweet surprise after this next chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading and prepare for the next chapter! I’m trying my best to make it epic!

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