Chapter 21- Pushing Away

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~Tsukiko's POV~

My life is all going to shit! Why did I plan it this way!? There has to be another way!!! I don't think there is...I think this will end in only one way...I will have to sacrifice myself in the forbidden jutsu of sealing the devil away...I can't think of anything else that would destroy or lock him away...

I finally reached Tsunade's office but it had to be around 7:30 in the morning or somewhere close to that time. I had to move away from Kakashi and try to avoid having a strong bond with anyone...its only way that they can truly let go of me when I die for good next year. If I form a bond, then I am sure to make my death more agonizing for everyone and they don't deserve to feel such pain for me...for the reaper who took their precious 3rd Hokage's life.

Here we go...

I approached her office doors and knocked.

"Come in." I heard Tsunade say from the other side.

Holy crap she's awake!

I walked through the door and was welcomed with a smile.

"I see you're up and about. How do you feel today?" She asked with Ton ton on her lap.

"I regained my memory and destroyed the Amnesia Demon...looks like I've got some work cut out for me. However, due to these demons coming up and threating me, I wish to move out of Kakashi's house and have some time away from everyone until I can try and get rid of all of them. I know what kinds are still inside of me...there are a few that will affect the way I act and it won't end out pretty. Please Tsunade...I need another place to live and some time to myself." I said as I placed my hand over my chest where the demons slumber and await their awakenings.

"I'm glad to hear that you have recovered so quickly but why would you want to deal with these on your own? Are you pushing us away for a specific reason?" She then asked seriously.

"I can handle the rest of these demons on my own. I am merely pushing everyone away for their own safety."

"You can't get rid of these without help Tsukiko. I did some research. The Six Demon Poisons was recorded to be diagnosed in a man from the Village hidden in the Dark a hundred years ago. The files all say that the six demons come in different order but they are classified as the demons of death, amnesia, sorrow, gen-jutsu coma, sickness by touch, and nightmares. The descriptions of each demon are vivid and quite horrifying if you ask me. You might end up hurting someone if you tried doing this all on your own." She then said even more seriously.

"I should do it alone so no one gets hurt!"

"As the Hokage I order you to stay put! Your days of running away from help are over. You don't have the power of the reaper any more so stop looking out for everyone else and start thinking about what others can do to help you out!"

Damnit! She's really not going to let me go now. I was hoping I could deal with them by myself but I don't see that happening now. I can't push myself away anymore...Tsunade will order the anbu or other ninja to keep me in the village. She's not going to let me slip out of this...

"You did the research. If people tried to help me, the demons can hurt them but if no one was there, then I could do it without people getting hurt." I pleaded.

"Enough Tsukiko. You can't pull yourself out of the gen-jutsu coma demon. You need someone with special vision to pull you out. No means no and that is final." She said as she stood up and slammed her hand on the desk.

"...Okay Tsunade. I understand. I will accept your help but least give me my own place to live. I pushed Kakashi away and I don't think we should be seeing each other anymore." I said as I calmed my nerves.

Tsunade sat back down and sighed. Looks like I gave her a wonderful dose of early morning stress.

"I've prepared an apartment for you. It should be finished by 9:30. Here is your keys. I'm sorry things didn't work out well with Kakashi." She said with a hint of sadness as a loop with two keys hooked on was tossed my way with a roll of paper tucked inside the loop.

"Thank you onee-chan. If I am correct, the next demon should show itself in a week. I will come to you first when that happens and then you can do whatever is necessary." I said before turning to walk away.

"Tsukiko." She said to grab my attention one more time.


"Why are you pushing yourself away?" She then asked.

"In time I will tell you...for now, I must defeat these demons. Once that is done, I will clarify everything." I said quietly before leaving her office.

I am sorry onee-chan...but I must do what needs to be done. I will allow people to help but for now, I must ignore all of you.

I took out the roll of paper from the loop of my keys and read the address. It looks to be near the center of the village. It's about a 10 minute walk to Kakashi's so at least I'll have some distance. I must do this though...I must try and hold out for one year without any close bonds. It will kill me inside though...I want nothing more than to be with Kakashi as his lover and the older loving sister to Naruto. However, I don't think that's going to happen.

Sorry it was short. I wanted a little break before I introduce the next demon. SO to clarify, Kiki plans on sacrificing herself for a forbidden jutsu that will hopefully destroy the devil and since she knows that she will die permanently, she is pushing everyone away so she can part without making them sad. Will she be able to pull that off though????? Next chapter coming soon!

It's Not Gen-Jutsu...But Reality. (A Kakashi Romance <3)Where stories live. Discover now