Chapter 6- Forget me Not

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I must say my dear; you sure have grown into a perfect little doll for me. I think you’re ready again to go upon the surface. This time, I have more missions for you to do so you’re allowed to spend more time up there.” He said as he caressed my cheek.

“I won’t disappoint you master. I am your weapon to use at your connivance.” I said as I allowed him to touch my cheek.

“Ohh goody! I love how you’ve turned out. I knew a few more years of training would do you good!” He said as he clapped his hands in excitement.

Just keep this up Kiki…keep your cold hearted act up just a little bit longer…

“I feel like experimenting. I think I’ll take off that invisibility seal that hides you away and let you use that new jutsu you developed. I won’t watch you this time…I think you have earned enough of my trust to do things on your own.” He said as he snapped his fingers.

I heard a familiar howl as a wolf approached next to me. I looked down at the teenage Calcifer and immediately kicked him.

“Bow before your master.” I said with venom to my voice as I looked cruelly at the animal and he whimpered before lowering down to bow before the devil and I.

“My apologies master. I have much to teach him still.” I said as I kicked him again.

“Not at all Kiki. I’m sure this mutt will learn his place well.” He said with an evil smile as he looked at me lustfully.

“Here are the scrolls to your missions. Take your time and bask in the treasures of the surface but don’t mess with the balance. What happens happens and you are not to get involved with events. If you change the balance, I will know about it. You are only there to take souls…nothing else.”

“I understand. I shall be on my way now.” I said as I looked at Calcifer and grabbed him by the fatty part of his neck to drag him out with me.

“Have fun my doll.” I heard the devil say from behind me.

Once I was in an opened space, I did a teleportation jutsu and suddenly Calcifer and I were out of hell and on the safe grounds of the surface again.

“Calcifer I am so sorry boy. I didn’t kick you hard did I?” I said as I immediately knelt down to hug the giant wolf.

“You do pack quite the kick but I’m just not used to the whole trick the devil stuff yet.” He said before licking my cheek.

“I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean any of it. It kills me to hurt you like that but what your mother said about me acting cruel so long ago is working…I’m surprised that he is allowing me to be SEEN up here now…” I said as I used some of my healing jutsu to heal the bruises I left on his side.

I hugged him once again and reached in my weapons bag to give him a bone to gnaw on while I studied my missions.

“Secret Art, sphere lock jutsu!” I said after completing some hand signs and spreading them apart quickly to form a soft giant sphere to hide Calcifer and I.

This was the new jutsu the devil was talking about earlier. This is why he is allowing his invisible seal to be taken off of us, so I can test his out. This specific jutsu is my creation; it completely hides chakra flow, noise, and anything that could allow someone to know we are here. I think it’s also something that was passed down in my family along with my kekki genkai.

“Oh grass, how I’ve missed you so.” I said as I sat in the grass and Calcifer walked behind me to wrap himself protectively around me as he continued to chew on his bone.

It's Not Gen-Jutsu...But Reality. (A Kakashi Romance <3)Where stories live. Discover now