Chapter 7- Just a Small Memory

Start from the beginning

Then, much unlike us females, Sanji threw the other plates of food at the males of our crew.

"Yosh!" Luffy grinned, shoving food in his mouth. "Thank's Sanji!"

Seeing Luffy's arm stretch, I blinked as Sanji quickly kicked Luffy. "Don't touch Katsu's food, Baka Captain!"

I laughed and took my first bite of Sanji's cooking. Immediately, I stopped and my eyes widened. His food, I could actually get flavor from it! I blinked, swallowing the food and looked at my plate in shock.

Sanji quickly noticed my look, and a look of worry crossed his face. "Katsu-chan, is everything okay? Do you not like the food?"

The crew looked at me, wondering as well. I shook my head. "No, that's not it. I... I can actually taste it!"

Nami raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

My fave turned red as embarrassment quickly set in. I didn't have a choice but to tell them now. "I'm anosmia."

It appeared that only Chopper understood. "What's that?" Luffy asked, his mouth full.

"It's a medical condition that leaves her with no smell. Which also dulls her sense of taste greatly, since half of our taste comes from our smell." Chopper explained.

Luffy's eyes widened, "You can't taste food?!"

I sighed, ruffling my hair. "Not for the most part. But Sanji's food... I can actually taste it. It's amazing..."

Sanji held onto his shirt where his heart is, tears forming in his eyes. "Katsu-chan! I will make it my mission to cook you the best and most delicious foods for your pallet!"

A smile lit up my face, "Thank you, Sanji!" Taking another, quite blissful, bite my smile remained on my face.

"Awesome!" Luffy grinned, pointing to the window. "It's snowing!" Shoving himself away from the table, Luffy ran outside followed by Chopper and Usopp.

I paused, feeling the cool blast of icy air that entered which the opened door. "Snow?" I muttered.

Robin smiled from across the table at me. "That's right. You haven't seen any snow yet, have you? Since the island you lived on was a spring island."

I shook my head, "I haven't."

Robin giggled, "Let me get you a coat, then you can go see it."

Grinning widely, I nodded. "Thank you, Robin!"

Since I didn't have a coat, Robin was kind enough to lend me hers. However, much to her distress, I refused any shoes. I wanted to feel the snow on my feet, just like everything else.

Taking my first step outside, I shivered at the burning cold. My toes curled gathering crisp white snow between them. Letting out a breath of air, I noticed how it was visible.

The sunny was covered in a blanket of white. More dots of snow fell from the sky, speckling my red hair with spots of white. I smiled, a laugh escaping me.

"It's so pretty!" I exclaimed.

Then it happened. My body stilled and my vision blurred. My hearing went fuzzy before completely going out. The sight of my crew members were disappearing and morphing into something else.

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