Chapter 72: The P-Word

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Please read the previous chapter! AND FINALLY I UPDATED I'M SORRY I'VE BEEN SO BUSY


Your POV

"Gotcha," Bender said menacingly. He pushed you back until you were up against the wall, his hand still choking you. Your mouth quivered in pure-blooded terror. Your feet hovered just off the ground as Bender moved his hand upwards against the wall.  

"B-Bender..." You attempted but it was hard to talk. Or breathe. Bender grinned cruelly and didn't move. 

That's when you noticed that his eyes were red.

You closed your eyes and waited for your end to come. You were a neko after all. You probably deserved this. It was only a matter of time before you died, you knew that ever since you were a child. 

Bender's eyes widened and he yanked his hand away from you, looking about as shocked as you felt. Your eyes shot open. Bender kept looking back and forth from his hand to you, his face contorted in disbelief. 

You followed the one thing that your instincts told you in this situation. 

You ran. 

You bolted out of the room, down the stairs and into the open air. Morphing into a cat, you sprinted down the sidewalk as fast as you could. Your heart was racing. What happened to Bender? You felt betrayed. Your best friend had just tried to kill you. Surely something was wrong or something? But you couldn't get over how confident and serious he looked about killing you. Hurting you. You felt a tear drip down your muzzle. He hurt you physically and emotionally. 

You kept sprinting. Then you curved around yourself and headed back to the Planet Express building. Digging your claws into the brick, you climbed up the building. It helped keep your mind pre-occupied with a task. Once you got to the roof, your mind refilled with thoughts. You felt alone and exposed. 

So you sat up there on the roof, hoping that your sobs would stop by morning. 

Bender's POV


What happened?

Why did... 

I stared at my hand. This was around her neck, I thought. I could've killed her. I could've hurt her. 

My hand shook at the thought. 

I don't understand. Why did this happen? I would've never have done this...I frowned. This didn't make sense. I was at a loss for words. But I knew one thing was for sure. 

She'd never look at me the same way again. 

I had to find her. I had to prove to her that I wasn't a monster. "(Y/N)!" I yelled, running out of the building after her. 

But she was nowhere in sight. 

"What have I done." I clenched my fists as I walked inside. 

~The Next Day~

(Bender's POV cont.)

"Professor, I need to talk to you," I ran up to the Professor. 
"Wha? Oh hello, Bender. What can I help you with?" He turned towards me. 
"Can I talk to you?" I repeated. 
"Of course, though I'm not sure if I can help you." the Professor scratched his head and sat down on a chair. No one was at Planet Express yet. 

"Do you know anything about nekos?" I stated plainly. 
"Well yes. They're a community... or race, should I say, of shape shifting people who can shift into cats. Sometimes, they can shift into other animals, but it is most usually a cat." 
"Anything about robots and nekos?" I urged him. 
"I'm not completely sure if this is true, but robots don't like nekos. Some sort of thing like that. I'm not sure if the Mom Corporation was in charge of that, but that is unfortunately the case. I think." 

So it was true. 

"So if I theoretically went crazy and tried to kill a neko...just theoretically..." I shifted uncomfortably. "Why would that have happened?" 
"It probably happened because most robots are programmed to hate nekos. Again, I'm not quite sure why they hate nekos, they just do." The Professor scratched his head again. "Sorry I can't help you much." 

I thought about that. Programmed to hate nekos. So, that whole thing was a programming thing. 

"Is there... is there a way to get rid of that?" I asked tentatively. 
"Why, of course! I'll have to research it, though." 
"Can you do that?" 
"Well, I'm quite busy-" 

I sighed. "I'll say the p-word if you do it." 

The Professor frowned. 

I rolled my eyes. "Please?" 

"Good god, did Bender just say the magic w-" 
"Shut up already!" I huffed. The Professor looked more than amused. 
"I'll do it. Though I'll need a copy of all of your blueprints." 

"Woah there that's really private!" I took a step back. 
"I have to wipe all traces of it from your system, so I need full blueprints." The Professor said calmly. 

No way am I giving my full blueprints to this 150-year-old wacko.
But then again... it was for (Y/N)...

"Fine you can have the blueprints," I tried to stay calm as I went inside my chest compartment and pulled them out. "But you better give them back. I will choke your 150-year-old throat I swear-" 

The Professor laughed. 

"I don't doubt that." He got up from his chair and took the blueprints. It felt so wrong for him to have them... I felt my stomach heat up in embarrassment. It wasn't too noticeable... I hoped.

Well, that's Step 1 down. I need to get rid of all traces of whatever happened last night and the whole choking thing. And now the next step is to find (Y/N). And then I have to make her trust me again... 

Dang. This is gonna be harder than I thought. 

Bender x Reader - FuturamaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant