Chapter 14: Metallic

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Right after that, the rest of the Planet Express crew filed in, some cheering, some more solemn.

"Hi guys!" You said semi-excitedly. Your right arm was beginning to throb.

"(Y/N)!" Amy yelled and buried you in a hug.

"Amy...can't arm...." you gasped.

"Oh right. My bad." she laughed sheepishly. She took a few step backwards to group up with the others, who had formed a sort of circle around your bed.

You chuckled nervously.

"Hey guys. Um...'sup I guess?"

Fry laughed. "Yeah, she's fine."

"I'm okay, except my arm really hurts. Can I take it out of the bandage please?" You asked Dr. Zoidberg.

"Sure," he gurgled. "Just know that although I performed the surgery extremely well," he began, putting emphasis on the "I". "Leela and Professor Farnsworth did all of the wire connecting to your brain. Bender also designed the arm too."

You grinned warmly at everyone.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate you doing this for me." You then looked at your arm and took a deep breath. Using your left arm, you slowly unwrapped it, revealing your new metallic arm.

You admired the limp metal object that was going to be your hand and threw the bandage on the floor with your left hand. It shimmered with polish. It also looked exactly like Bender's, but with the fingers slightly longer.

"Wow," You breathed.

You figured that your arm was amputated at the shoulder because that was where the skin ended and the metal begin.

"So how do I, uh, move it?"

"Just think of the movement you want to do, and the arm should do it." Bender instructed.

"Okay. So what if I..." You closed your eyes and thought of patting your head. Instead, your arm reached out to a very far length, much longer than the normal length of a human hand, and punched Fry in the face.

"Ow!" he said as he collapsed onto a heap on the floor. He was still conscious, though.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?!" You said worriedly. "That's not what I thought at all!"

"Oh dear. Perhaps I connected the movement wire to the wrong part of your brain." Professor Farnsworth scratched his head. He moved behind you and opened a small panel in your neck. He fumbled with the wires, causing minor pain for you, then closed it with a happy "Ta-da!".

You then began to poke Leela in the nose. Repeatedly.

Leela rolled her eye, with a little bit of amusement showing. "So I'm guessing you are not control of this either, (Y/N)."

"Sorry! I can't control it at this point. Sorry Leela."

"Perhaps I put it on the creative cortex...One second (Y/N)!" The professor screwed around with the wires again.

"No, don't! I want to see how creative she can get..." Fry said, raising his eyebrows up and down. You growled and punched him in his soft spot. He groaned.

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