Chapter 7: Betrayal

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"Are you an alien?"

These were only some of the things that everyone was asking you. Finally, you started to get annoyed. "ENOUGH!" you screamed, and everyone fell silent.

"Okay, before you get the wrong idea, I'm not magic. I can morph at will but only into a cat. I'm a neko." At those last few words, your throat clenched. You hated the fact that you were a neko.

"You're a neko, you say? I thought nekos went extinct!" Professor Farnsworth said incredulously.

"Yeah, our species was hunted down so we went into hiding." You shook your head sadly.

You turned to Bender, who looked stricken.

"Bender, look, I should've told you this before..."
"Wait..." he looked at you again. "(Y/N)? Is that you?"
You smiled weakly again.

"Hehe...hi I guess."

"You know each other?" Amy said, dumbfounded.

" a way...saved my life maybe? He melded the quarter slot on a suicide booth." You explained.

"What are you...I don't..." Bender stuttered.

You sighed again. "I should've told you that I wasn't actually, technically, a "real" cat."

"You lied to me, you deceived me and you pretended to be my friend and you're saying 'I should've told you'?" Bender growled menacingly.

You hung your head, tears beginning to form. "I would've left you, but I couldn't bear to do that. The first day as a cat with you, I couldn't leave because I was scared. I was going to leave the second day, but you were so attached, I couldn't do that. That would've broke your heart, and I didn't want that. Eventually, I couldn't get out of the ditch I created. I'm...I'm sor-"

"All those things I told you...those were personal stuff! I thought you were a regular, ordinary cat, so if I told you anything it wouldn't have mattered! But noooooo, you had to be part human and keep all my secrets and everything!" he said coldly.

"You have been the only person, in my entire life who has ever treated me like I meant something. Like I had a purpose in life. That I wasn't just a dumb cat, that I was a friend. Please put yourself into my shoes! What would you have done?" You said frantically, more tears coming.

"I WOULD'VE LEFT WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!" Bender shouted suddenly. Your bottom lip began to quiver.

"I.." you whispered again. "I know you don't want to see me again, so I'll be out of your way. Before I leave, Fry? Can I have a quarter?" you said meekly, a tear running down your cheek. Bender huffed and crossed his arms, shooting you an icy stare that melted your heart into a million pieces.

Fry handed her a quarter wordlessly. He was stunned. You then sprinted out of the doors, morphed into a cat with the quarter in your mouth and ran.

Then you were gone.

Bender x Reader - FuturamaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora