Chapter 4: Bruises

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f/c = Favorite Color
h/c = Hair Color
f/f/n = Favorite Fake Name (what Bender names you when you are in cat form)



You huddled inside Bender's chest, which always seemed like a nice place to hang out. Once again, you had to curl around the various beer bottles and such, but otherwise, it was rather comfy.

As Bender walked by the strip club, you heard a bunch of girls cooing at him. He winked at them and continued on.

Except, he really shouldn't have done that.

One of the girls' boyfriend, apparently, thought that his girl was cheating. She probably was, but it wasn't on Bender.

He came out, burly and dang he was the biggest robot you (or anybody, for that matter) had ever seen! "I'm Eric. You messin' with my girlfriend?" he loomed over Bender, who quivered.

"Hell no."

"You saying my girlfriend isn't good enough, punk?!" the mass growled.

"Well, there is no getting out of this one," you heard Bender muttered. He took off at unimaginable speed. All the beer bottles in his chest bounced around and you nearly yelped as one spilled onto you. Bender turned into an alleyway. Also not a great idea. The huge hunk of metal confronted him.

Cracking his metallic knuckles, he set to work beating the crap out of Bender.

With every punch, you were thrown against the wall.

With every kick you followed in Bender's belly as he was hopelessly tossed around for what felt like forever. Bender's gears were starting to malfunction and grease and gas fluid were leaking onto you. Obediently, you kept your mouth shut as Bender faced a punishment he didn't deserve. It was so unfair!

Finally, the "Eric" lumbered away, satisfied with the broken Bender. You felt tears form in your eyes. This wasn't fair, it wasn't right, and you could only watch. You couldn't help Bender.

You leapt out of his chest and stood on it. Bender was on the ground and wasn't moving, which scared you. You were about to turn into a human when he awoke. You mewed in delight. He wasn't dead! Wait, could robots 'die' in the first place? You didn't know.

"Hey (F/F/N)..." he managed. "Oh my god you're filthy!" He said, stroking your now matted, dirty and damp (H/C OR F/C) fur. He opened his stomach and ran a system check.

"So it turns out I leaked flui- Oh god it's all over you!" he moaned. "I...I gotta get out of here," he wheezed and tried to get up. You sat on the ground and gestured for him to put his hand on your head for support. He hesitated, then put his hand on your head and used you to push himself up to his feet. He staggered a bit, but then regained his balance and limped back to the apartment. You let one tear fall, then told yourself to keep it in as you helped him return to the apartment. Fry had left to go the Planet Express "HQ" as he liked to call it. Bender and you were all alone in the small, robot apartment.

"I hate overprotective boyfriends! I wasn't flirting with his darn girlfriend! She isn't even worth my time. Just beat up a robot until he is senseless, good for you! God, I was so... helpless. I couldn't even fight back." he muttered to himself, laying himself on the ground and picking at his disgruntled gears.

You mewed at him, in a weak attempt to try to comfort him. He gazed at you fondly. "Well, at least not everyone hates me. You don't. Fry doesn't. It's good to have you here." He smiled at you.

Through your neko fur, you beamed with pride.

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