Chapter 53: Bullet

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Most of you are going to hate me for this chapter, sorry. Plus it's really short. 



Even if the machine had let you talk, you would've still been speechless. 

Zapp looked stricken, while the Devil looked confused. You were probably as red as a tomato, but you didn't care. 

Bender loved you? Your heart was pounding in your throat as your ears began to ring. It felt as though your whole face would just slide off your skull and onto the floor.

You opened and closed your mouth a few times, no words being formed. 

He turned to look at you briefly. You could faintly hear the whirring sound in his gears - the one that meant he would blush, if he could. 

"You're the one who fried my love circuit." He admitted, looking you dead in the eye. 

You blinked twice, unable to process his words. 

"She fried your love circuit? Wow, that is pathetic. I thought you were supposed to be all 'no emotions!' and all of that." The Devil scoffed. 
"What's a love~ circuit?" Zapp asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"Like I would tell you, of all people." The Devil rolled his eyes. 

"Which is why you're not going to kill her!" Bender snarled. 

Before he could carry out his plan, you heard a bang. 

Right through Bender's chest was a bullet. 

And holding the gun was Zapp.

The rest happened in slow motion. 

Bender's eyes widened as he fell to the floor, his broken body clattering to the floor. Transmission fluid poured out of his mouth. You heard sparks and saw his optics flicker. The electronics that 'animated' his mouth turned into a thin black line. 

"Damn y-" 

And he powered off, his eye lid closing. 


Then you lost it.  

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