Chapter 50: Not Again...

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So sorry about the watermark in the picture! I tried to get rid of it but it didn't work...UGH. 


Enjoyyyyyyy :D



"Ooh, ooh, I got one!" Bender said. 

"Sure you do." Leela rolled her eyes. 

"(Y/N) is taking a long catnap!" Bender smirked. 

The whole room went up in groans. 

"Why are we playing this game again?" Amy mumbled. 

"BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Bender yelled. 
"I'm bored." Fry gurgled. 

Then there was a Star Trek intercom noise. 

"Yay, finally, something to do." Fry mumbled as Leela lunged for the intercom. She pulled it up on the big TV in the meeting room, then instantly regretted it. 

"If it isn't the erotic Captain Leela." 

"Zapp!" Leela clenched her fists. 

"Hey look, it's the person you sle-" Bender was interrupted by a kick to the groin from Leela. 

"What is it this time?" Leela sighed, looking at Zapp.

All of the Planet Express crew gathered around the TV screen in the meeting room. 

"I have something that means something to you. Zapp said in a sing-song voice. 

"Oh lord, what now." Leela huffed, trying to restrain her anger. 

Zapp got up and turned the camera so that they could see.....You? 

 You were chained up to a wall

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 You were chained up to a wall. Your arms were bound slightly away from your hips, your legs tied down at the floor. 

You would've morphed and gotten out of your binds, but an additional machine had been connected to your neck and limited your morphing power. It also limited your robotic arm. 

"I have a hostage." Zapp said stoically. 

Bender gasped. 

"I underestimated you. You've gotten better, Zapp." He said. 

Leela smacked him on the back of his head. 

"This isn't funny. He's holding (Y/N) captive!" 

"And soon enough, you'll come running, just in time to see your little friend burn and die!" said the Robo-Devil, who appeared behind Zapp. 

You struggled to get out of your bonds. When the Robot Devil got close to you, you squirmed. Then you spit in his face. He just wiped it off with his hand and looked at the camera to see the reaction of Planet Express. 

They were horrified. 

"We have to go and save her!" The Professor proclaimed. 

"Why would you do this Zapp? Why would you work for the devil?" Fry asked. 

"I struck a deal with this Devil so I can win you back, Leela. All I needed was a neko." Brannigan explained. 

"Cheerio, Planet Express!" The Robot Devil said, and then the intercom shot off. 

"Son of a..." Bender began, then he stopped. 

"We have to save (Y/N) again? Awww..." Fry moaned. 

"It wasn't her fault this time! Well, actually, it wasn't her fault any of the other times, but..." Amy remembered.  

"We gotta go quick or (Y/N) is gonna die and y'all will be sad-bags and you won't buy beer! So let's go save beer! I mean, save her!" Bender demanded. 

Leela shut off the screen and everyone ran to the ship. "Finally, Zoidberg gets to do something!" Zoidberg crab-shuffled in. 

Amy wrinkled her nose. 

When everyone had strapped themselves into the ship, Bender shut the door. "Hey look, a wire." Bender reached for a large wire that was sticking out of the control panel. He pushed it inside the control box, and electricity zoomed across the floor. The METAL floor. 

Long story short, the crew were electrocuted and mostly knocked out. 

"Oh, great. Then again, this isn't the first time I've driven this thing." He wondered aloud. He pushed Leela limp body out of the pilot's seat and took her place. Then he sat at the controls, and soon enough, the ship blasted off clumsily out of Planet Express. 

"This calls for celebratory champagne because Bender is great." Bender said triumphantly, putting the ship on auto-pilot. As he was walking back, he sat on the remote and the TV intercom came on. Bender could see (Y/N) still - Zapp was stupid enough to not turn off the camera. Luckily, Zapp couldn't see Bender. 

"Eh, why not? There's nothing better to do..." Bender shrugged, airing out his champagne. 

"Leave me alone! You're supposed to kill me, not talk to me!" You were yelling at Zapp.

"But dirty talk doesn't work if no one is talking!" Zapp pointed out stupidly.

You sighed, putting your head down since you couldn't facepalm. "You're even more pathetic than Leela says you are." 

Zapp gasped. "She- She talks about me?" He muttered happily under his breath in a way you couldn't understand. He then wandered off, still mumbling all the way.   

"Phew, he's gone." Bender heard you say over the intercom. 

"I'm finally alone." You said quietly. Your eyes then widened as you saw a figure come in from the other side of the room. 

It was a robot ghost. 

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