Chapter 71: True Form

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Okay so in this online language learning course, my brother earned a "Flirting" chapter so now he knows how to say "Your house or mine?" in Spanish. 



RandomFanboy012 you are the best bro evah

hehe see what we did there with the usernames


You walked into the Planet Express with Bender, still laughing about a joke he told you.

"I gotta admit, tonight was fun." Bender put his hands up in surrender.
You gasped over-dramatically. "A robot having fun with a human? How scanda-" You stopped yourself and turned crimson.

Bender was trying not to laugh.

"That's not what I meant by 'fun'!" you retorted, blushing.
"Sure." Bender laughed.
"Shut up! You know what I meant!"
"Yes, I think I know now," he smirked.
"You're insufferable sometimes." You facepalmed.

Bender grabbed a beer from the fridge and loosened his jacket before plopping himself down on the couch. You rolled your eyes.

Then you remembered something.

I have to tell him. You thought to yourself. You've been managing to keep it in this far but it's gone on long enough.

You gulped. The events of the night were still fresh in your mind. You could potentially lose all of that once you told him. But you had to take that chance. Lying was never the answer.

"Hey, um, Bender?"
"Can I talk to you?"
You stood in front of Bender who was still sitting on the couch.

"I haven't been completely honest with you." you began, looking at the floor. Bender frowned.

"You know how there's my cat form and my human form?"
"Well, my human form has... cat aspects... of it..." you searched a way for you to say it.
"If you want to say something just say it!" Bender said impatiently. 

You sighed. "This... this is what I normally look like." You closed your eyes and relaxed your muscles.

Out slid a tail from your lower back. Two ears popped up on either side of your head.

Bender just stared.

"Look, I can explain! This is a neko's true form. Their cat form is just like a cat, but their human form has cat ears and a tail... and sometimes claws. Robots have hated my species, and the cat ears and tails are how they identify us and kill us, so we had to keep them hidden so we looked normal. I've had mine hidden for so long. I couldn't hold mine in anymore, so I knew I would have to release myself soon. It's going to be a while before I keep it retracted again, but... but I wanted you to know. Because I... I don't believe in lying." you explained nervously, your cat ears pinned to your head in shame.

Bender shook himself out of his daze and stood up. "I don't care what you look like!" 

"You... don't?" 
"How many times do I have to tell you this - I love you for your personality. I don't care what you look like." Bender said, standing close to you. 

You sighed in relief. "Well that's good news." Bender smiled. Then his gaze grew clouded. 

All of a sudden, he reached out his arm and grabbed you by the neck. 

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