Chapter 3: Take Me With You

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e/c = Eye Color
h/c = Hair Color (or fur color in this case)
f/f/n = Favorite Fake Name (a name you like, but it is not yours.)

f/c= Favorite Color


Bender set you down on the couch.

"Now listen kitty. Wait, I should name you, right? It will be tons easier that way."

You sat obediently and looked up at him with you big (E/C) eyes.

He looked at you for a moment, scanning you and trying to find the most fitting name. "Hmm, how about (F/F/N)?"

You purred in response. That would be a great name! You were overjoyed that he named you at all...if only he figured out that your name was actually (Y/N)...

You were torn. You wanted to leave and end up not embarrassing yourself, but he had grown so attached that it would break his heart if you left. So you sat on your butt and listened to what he had to say.

"Okay, (F/F/N), so I have to go to the strip club down the street. I can't take you with me, duh, so I am going to leave you here. Do not make a mess of the apartment! See ya, bye..."

You involuntarily started to whine. Bender had turned to walk out the door, but then turned around. "Ugh, what now?"

You whined again, in hopes that he would take you with him and you wouldn't be left alone at the apartment.

"You are not coming with me! It's a strip club. Last time I checked, it's a no. No way." He crossed his arms and looked down at you.

You scampered up to him and opened his chest and crawled inside. He looked inside at you, then sighed. "Fine, (F/F/N), but you better keep your damn mouth shut, you hear?"

You mewed in response. 

It was dark out, and you were grateful for the warmth provided in Bender's chest. There were a few assorted items inside his chest too, the main one being beer, but you didn't mind. You heard loud music outside his chest. This must be the strip club. You hadn't actually ever been to a strip club, but you kinda wanted to find out. Buuuuuuuut you kinda didn't. Dagh it's confusing.

You peeked out to see a bunch of people dancing on poles. What were they wearing? Or rather, what should have they been wearing? You kept your head inside Bender's chest, now regretting that you were here.

"You okay in there?" Bender whispered.
You mewed in response. You noticed that his speech was even more slurred than normal. Was he drunk? You thought robots worked the opposite way but you had no idea. You could hear robo-girls walking up to him and giggling.

"Hey ladies." he drawled. They giggled in response.

"Hey Bender. Can you open up your stomach for us? Do you have any more beer?" they tempted him.

"Of course. I always have beer." he muttered, and was about to open his stomach when he remembered that (F/F/N) was still there. When he paused for long enough, the girls got impatient.

"Well Bender? Don't you have beer? C'mon, you always do. Do you have anything.....else in there?" they asked again, adding the sexy comment at the end.

Mentally, you facepalmed.

"Uhhh, I um..." Bender stuttered. He finally sighed, opened his chest and prepared himself for the worst.

"Awww what an adorable cat! It's so cute!" they squealed and reached out for you. You were so scared you couldn't even move, not even when they picked you out of the metal stomach and into their arms.

"Bender, why are you keeping a cat in your stomach?" One of them teased.

"I am giving it to the shelter." Bender said triumphantly. You felt tears form in the back of your eyes. That was all you were ever going to end up. Either the dump, a shelter, or hell. You whimpered as quietly as you could. Luckily, no one heard you because the music was so loud.

Bender flirted with the girls and you seemed to draw more attention to him. You didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Finally, Bender was beyond drunk and exhausted. You were ready to sleep too.

The both of you headed out of the club and back to the apartment.

When you got there, Fry was already asleep. Bender walked in the apartment and sat on the floor, unimaginably exhausted from all the attention he received.

"You know what, (F/F/N)? I am going to take you to more of this stuff! You were great, and got me so much attention. Thanks bud." he said, and patted your head. That comment about the shelter still stung though.

"And everyone thought I shouldn't take you to the shelter because you're so darn cute!" Bender continued. You whined aloud.

"But I...You really brought me attention and stuff, so I guess I can keep you...But no promises later." he said sternly, trying not to sound sappy. You had never seen him like this before. He actually seemed...nice.

He powered off and you curled up in his lap, but this time, you did it without hesitation.

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