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As they climbed up they saw that the floor was much thicker than all of the other floors.

"Is it just me or is the floor a lot thicker here?" Courtney said, pointing out the obvious fact.

"I noticed that too..." Elizabeth replied quietly, "I wonder what's on this floor..." She paused while she was climbing. "Now that I think about it, this is the last level. I hope it has a challenge on it."

They continued climbing up the tall ladder that seemed to never end.

"Is it getting warmer?" Courtney inquired, breaking the silence. The air around them was starting to heat up to an uncomfortable temperature as they climbed.

"Yeah, it is..." Elizabeth replied absent-mindedly

The girls started to sweat as they climbed higher and Courtney complained, "It's getting a lot hotter now. I hope it doesn't get much hotter or we'll cook!" she exaggerated, causing Elizabeth to silently roll her eyes.

They reached the top and found out why it was so hot. The floor had streams of lava running off of it into the deep seams in the floor.

"This isn't going to be very easy..." Elizabeth muttered.

"Let's do it!" Courtney said rushing forward.

They started to walk forward, cautious of the hot, boiling lava inches away from their feet. The lava was moving slowly downhill and every once in a while it would bubble and the stream would change direction. This happened while Elizabeth's foot was beside it and it singed her boot. "Ow! That's hot!" Elizabeth yelled.

"Uhh... Duh. It's lava!" Courtney laughed.

Elizabeth scowled at her for a second then continued walking uphill to the ladder. Then the entire floor started to shake and lava started to pour out of the seams in the floor.

"That's not good!" Courtney exclaimed, "That's not good at all!"

They ran up the hill towards the ladder until they were out of breath. When they stopped the lava stopped rising. They noticed this and stepped backward. The lava receded as they walked. They stepped forward and the lava moved with them. "Huh... Well, that's weird..." Courtney thought aloud.

"Let's just stop for a second and get our bearings," Elizabeth stated plainly. Suddenly the ground in front of them swelled and popped. Something stepped forward and the girls lurched into action. Elizabeth stepped back and raised her fists. Courtney jumped forward and punched the figure three times in rapid succession in the gut. The figure groaned.

"Ow.... What was that for?!?" It complained.

The girls recognized the voice and immediately rushed to help Jake.

"Sorry..." Elizabeth muttered.

"It's your fault for scaring us! You're lucky Elizabeth didn't go after you! You'd feel it next week!" Courtney exclaimed.

"I should have known something bad would happen if I clicked some random button..." Jake grumbled.

"Button?" Elizabeth inquired.

"Yes. A button," He replied.

"Oh come on get up," Courtney said, sitting by Jake and poking his ribs.

"Stop poking me!" Jake groaned.

Courtney stood up and laughed, Elizabeth helped Jake up and said, "Oh come on she didn't even hit you that hard."

"I barely even touched you!" Courtney agreed.

Jake looked like he'd been hit again "Barely?! You hit me so hard I flew back a few feet!" He exclaimed.

The Demigod Files (A Percy Jackson Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now