Ch. 21 New Worries

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It didn't take us long to get back to Landon's house. I was silent during the whole ride there but Landon was on his phone with our parents. Apparently they were on their way home after getting a call from Detective Andrews. In just a few hours, they will show up at Landon's house and demand to know what has been going on.

I wasn't up to talking to my parents about what I've been through. It was hard answering the questions the officer asked. I just wanted to forget it ever happened and move on with my life but I can't do that if this guy is still free. Hopefully it will be awhile before I see him because I'm still sort of in shock.

Who knew what would have happened if the guys didn't come when they did. I probably would have lost my best friend and become another girl on this sicko's list. The thought of being alone with him gave me the chills. I wasn't rid of him just yet though because he's out there somewhere still.

"My new job will be keeping an eye on you. Consider me as your body guard since I won't leave you alone for a second like I did before," Landon said, as we walked into the dark house.

I just nodded before heading for my room. If Landon wanted to keep an eye on me then I won't complain. In fact I probably would feel safer if he was in the room with me. When we got to my room, he stopped me from going in. I gave him a confused look as he walked in first and looked around.

When he was sure it was safe, he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I realized he was scouting the room for Mr. Thomas and that made me smile a little. He was going to take the job seriously I see. When I saw the bed, I instantly walked over to it and just fell on it. It had been a long day so I was tired.

"Scoot over. You’re taking up too much space," Landon said, as I felt him try to push me to one side of the bed.

"No. Sleep on the floor Mr. Body Guard," I muttered, as I hugged a pillow.

I heard him sigh before I was rolled over on my back. I sat up and glared at him as he took his shirt and jeans off. This punk thinks he can just walk in here and occupy half of my bed. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him so when he got on the bed; I shoved him off and laughed when I heard his body hit the floor.

"What the hell woman?!" he yelled, before he sat up and glared at me.

"This bed is mine. You can have the floor. Good night," I said, before I got comfortable and closed my eyes.

"This is my house so what I say goes and I am saying that we're sharing this damn bed!" he exclaimed, before he got up from the floor and crawled into the bed.

I feigned a glare before flipping over to stare at the wall. When I was sure that he wasn't going to do or say anything else, I let myself smile. He made it easy to forget my worries. I started to wonder what would have happened if we never stopped being friends. Would it have been like it was a few minutes ago? We would never know thanks to impulsive decision to stop being friends with him so many years ago.

When morning came, I woke up to Landon staring at me. A month ago, I would have freaked out and slapped the crap out of him but now I didn't have the urge to hurt him. I just stared back at him and wondered how long he had been awake. When I couldn't take the silence anymore, I finally said something.

"What?" I asked, as I kept eye contact.

"I'm sorry." he replied, as he continued to stare at me.

"About what exactly?" I whispered, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

"For letting you down. I should have protected you better," he answered, as he moved strands of my bed hair out of my face.

I didn't say anything after that. He was probably beating himself up over what happened. It was my fault for thinking I could save my best friend though. He was very good at protecting me; I just didn't like the thought of Tia suffering because of me. She needed my help so at the time I didn't care what happened to me.

To show that it was okay, I wrapped an arm around him and hugged him. He wrapped one of his arms around me and hugged me back. We stayed in the same position until we heard the door bell. I reluctantly let him go so he could go answer the door. It could be Detective Andrews with good news or it could be our parents. I was hoping for the Detective.

"Come on. I can't leave you alone remember?" he said, as he offered his hand to me.

I sighed before grabbing it and letting him drag me to the front door. When we made it to the door, Landon checked to see who it was before he opened the door. We were instantly met with hugs from our mothers. My dad looked like he was ready to murder someone while Mr. Moore tried to calm him down. This was going to be a long morning.

"My baby! You're okay right? I can't believe someone had the nerve to kidnap you. Thank god for Landon's quick thinking," my mom said, when she pulled away from me and checked to see if I was in one piece.

"I'm so proud of you Landon! If it wasn't for you, who knew what would have happened," Mrs. Moore said when she pulled away from him.

I noticed his expression changed to anger. He was thinking the same thing as his mom. I instantly squeezed his hand that was wrapped around mine. He looked down at our hands before he seemed to calm down. When I looked back at our parents, all four of them were staring down at our hands as well.

We let go and stepped away from each other.  I didn't want our parents to think something was going on with us especially when they knew I was leaving for California soon. They would either try to convince me to stay or tell me to try a long distance relationship. I didn't want to agree to either.

"So you guys want to come in?" Landon asked, as he opened the door wider.

They just nodded before walking inside and headed for the living room. I followed them, dreading the interrogation that was coming. This is not how I wanted to start my morning. I planned on going to the hospital to see how Tia was and then coming back here. Going anywhere else scared me. Mr. Thomas could pop up and grab me again.

"So who would like to explain to us what exactly happened? Detective Andrews only told us minor details because he didn't have time to explain everything to us," my dad said, as soon as everyone sat down.

So we spent half of our morning explaining everything that has happened. As we came closer to the end, our mothers were in tears and our fathers were pissed off. I hated it when one of us had to explain when Mr. Thomas came up because all I could see was him trying to bury my best friend alive and saving me for last.

When story time was over, our parents insisted that they stay with us as well. I couldn't exactly say anything because it wasn't my house. Landon didn't seem to like them being here but he gave them the okay to stay here. I just needed to count down the days until I am able to leave this place and then I will be okay.

Mr. Thomas will have no idea that I will be leaving if he isn't following me anymore. I'm counting on him keeping a low profile until the police calm down a bit. When I get to California, I could change my name and my appearance in case he does find out that I left town. My thoughts of living a normal life in California were interrupted by my phone. I checked what it was and I instantly became scared when I realized Mr. Thomas sent me something.

If I were you, I would start saying my good byes. I'm getting rid of loose ends and I'm saving you for last. See you soon.

"Landon? We have a problem," I whispered, so our parents couldn't hear me.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I showed him my phone and he understood what I meant. We needed to warn John and Tia because if what Mr. Thomas said was true then he would go after them first. Landon told our parents that we were going out for a bit before grabbing me and dragging me to the front door.

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