Ch. 11 Detective Andrews

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I know I am the last person she wants to be near but I can't help but wonder if she was getting close to forgiving me. The thought of her accepting my apology went through my mind as I squeezed her arm. The silence was nice until the doorbell rang. It was still early in the morning so it seems a bit strange to have a visitor.

"I'm going to see who that is. Will you be okay by yourself?" I asked as I pulled away from her.

She nodded before getting up and walking to the bathroom. The doorbell rang again when I got up from the bed. I grabbed Aly's phone in case the creep sent her another email. She didn't need to get upset again. He was coming after her soon. I just wish I knew the exact time.

I ran down the stairs and headed for the front door. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see the detective we met last night. He better have some awesome news because we're having a crappy summer.

"Detective Andrews? How can I help you?" I asked, as I pushed the door wide open. He looked pretty serious. Not a morning perhaps?

"We need to talk. Can I come in?" He said. I nodded and moved out of the way so he could walk inside.

I led him to the living room and told him that would go get Aly. When I didn't get a response, I ran back upstairs. Aly walked out of the bathroom when I walked into the room. She still looked a little freaked out about the email but hopefully Detective Andrews could change that.

"The Detective from last night is here. He apparently needs to talk to us about something. There's a chance it could be good news." I explained. I grabbed her hand and lead her downstairs to the living room where the detective was looking at photos around the room.

"We're both here so what do we need to talk about? Please tell me you guys have good news because we can't take anymore of this crap." I said, gently squeezing Aly's hand.

He sighed before he walked over to one of the sofas and sat down. We followed and sat across from him. I didn't like the way he sighed. Is it bad news?

"First off, we're not even close to finding this guy. I'm not surprised either since I've dealt with him before back in Florida. Second, I'm not here to give you any kind of news. I'm here to tell you how to avoid him like the plague until we find him." he responded, as he stared at the coffee table that separated us.

"So what are we suppose to do?" Aly murmured.

It was silent for a few minutes. He looked like he was deciding where to start. If he dealt with him before, did that mean he knew this guy well? If so then if would be just a matter of time before they catch this stalker.

"Stay here. Don't go out for anything or anyone, no matter what. The windows must all be locked. Make sure all the locks on the doors are locked tight too. Don't worry about him becoming a pyromaniac because he wants you alive, not dead. Lastly, keep your cell phones on you and always fully charged.," he explained.

"What about police protection?" I asked. I'm not about to rely on just an alarm system. Burglars break into houses with alarms all the time.

"I'll have two cars watching your house. One during the day and the other during the night. I've briefed the officers that were chosen so they know who they're looking for and to not leave the car unless it's to catch the creep that's doing this," he explained again.

You Got E-mail (Watty Awards 2011)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें