Ch. 8 The Good Guy

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Landon's POV

I don't know what to do with this girl. She should have gone to the cops the second she recieved another email from this sicko. Instead she kept it a secret from everyone. I've stood by and watched her get email after email from him, hoping she would finally say that she's had enough. She was crazy to think it would be safe in her house by herself.

When I turned into the police station, Aly handed me a piece of paper. I grabbed it as soon as I parked the car and looked it over. Realizing that it was a list of names, I put it in my pocket. If the police asked who would want to torture Aly with emails, I planned to hand over the list.

"You think they will believe us?" Aly asked, as she took off her seatbelt. I gripped the steering wheel. They better or I was going to end up in jail for assaulting a officer.

I let out a breath to calm myself before speaking. "I promise you they will. They will do everything in thier power to get to this guy."

That better not be a lie or we're screwed. I assured Aly that everything will be fine once we told the police what has been going on since the last day of school. When she replied with a nod, we got out of the car and walked into the station. The place was busy. Police officers were either busy with paperwork or with people in handcuffs.

"Who are we suppose to talk to?" I muttered, as I looked around the station.

"Hey kids how can I help you?"

Aly and I turn around to see a chubby officer walking toward us. He looked familiar. He was probably one of the many officers that asked for my dad's help. We didn't need to search for help instead help came to us. I grabbed Aly's hand and met the officer halfway. The faster we get this down the faster we could get home. I was tired from driving the entire time and Aly was probably tired from lack of sleep in the car.

"We need to report a stalker," I blurted out when we were face to face.

He nodded and lead us to a desk that must have been his. He gestured us to seat down before he grabbed his chair and sat in it. I glanced at Aly to see if she would say something before I did. She was busy looking down at her lap. I guess I'll be doing all the talking.

"So someone is harassing who exactly?"

I pointed to Aly. "My friend here."

"Okay when did this all start?"

"Recently. In fact I think it started yesterday."

Now that I thought about it. It hadn't been that long even though it felt like it has been going on for months. Why would the stalker choose now to start harrassing her? If it was anyone from the list that Aly made then maybe they thought it would be easier to follow and email during the summer. This guy needs to get a life if that's the case.

"He contacts me through emails and I don't know why."

I turned to look at Aly, who was looking up at the cop in front of us. The cop was surprised that she said anything. I guess he thought I would be talking for her.

"What's your name?"

"Alyssa Cunningham. Are you going to be able to find this creep?"

"We're going to try our best to find them. We have a detective that transfered here to work on cases like yours. According to his boss back in Florida, he's one of the best so if anyone can find this guy it would be Detective Andrews."

Aly gave the officer a small smile. It must have made her feel a bit safer knowing that there was going to be someone searching high and low for this guy. I felt better knowing that myself.

"Someone call me chief?"

We looked up to see a guy that looked a few years older than Aly and I. He wasn't wearing a uniform like most of the people in here so it must have been a detective. This was probably the guy that would solve our problem.

""Not really but since you're here, you can take over. These two have your kind of case. Get any information that could help us. I have another case to look over," the chief explained, as he got up from the chair.

Detective Andrews looked at us and then back at his boss. He nodded before he sat on the edge of the desk. When the chubby officer walked away, detective andrews moved his attention to us. His eyes lingered a bit too long on Aly before I cleared my throat.

"So what's the problem?"

We told the detective everything thing that the other guy knew. When he was caught up, I gave him the list of people that could be the stalker. We also showed him all the text messages and emails that were sent to us. His mood changed instantly after he read them.

He whispered something as he gave our cell phones back. I couldn't make out what he had said. Suddenly he got up and walked away while pulling his cell phone out. I looked at Aly who looked just as confused as me. We sat there for awhile to see if he was going to come back. He never did so we left.

"Well that was weird."

I nodded in agreement. "It sure was."

 It was definitely weird. He obviously knew something we didn't. I planned on coming back tomorrow to see what that guy knows. It was like he knew who was stalking Aly and left to tell everyone what he found. The least he could have done was tell us what the hell was going on.

Aly groaned when she realized where we were heading. I may have gone to the police but I was serious about her staying with me until our parents got back home. She had no reason to go back home since she still had her luggage in my car. This was my chance to start over with her before she left town. I was hoping to do it at the cabin but that obviously wasn't going to happen.

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