Chapter 45 - Will I Be Engaged!!

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🍁"Now That I Know You Exist,
How Do I Not Love You?"🍁


Chapter 45 - Will I Be Engaged!!

Shanaya's P.O.V.

Everyone has their eyes on me trying to peek inside my soul with hopes building up in them and I am standing here clueless and mentally cursing myself for the moment I stepped inside this house. I should have known that whenever Kristein is around me, anything good can never ever happen to me.

I wonder how did he manage to put me in trouble? No, I can't blame him too. He's the one who is in a mess too. But I came into this situation partly because of him too. I just don't like that guy. Period.

I was fidgeting my fingers and I bite down the corners of my cheeks unable to bear gaze of everyone around myself. Aaliya walked towards me and hold me by my shoulder. She showed me her empathy whilst she's the one who put me in this problem.

"Are you ready for this?", Mrs. Oberoi asked looking at me hopelessly. I gulped nervously.

No. Never!!


One Hour Ago;

My mom and I were standing outside Oberoi's mansion. I, Shanaya Halis Thompson, unwillingly was forced to come with my mom to attend Mr. Kristen Oberoi's engagement. How happy I'm? Note the sarcasm.

A few days back my mom bumped into her old best friend and she decided to bring her home. That old best friend of her turns out to be Kristen's mom. Mrs. Bella Oberoi asked us to attend his son's engagement and my mom agreed to accept her invitation instantly. My mom tagged me along with her, much to my disliking and here I'm today. All ready and dolled up to attend Kristen's engagement.

I wonder how will he react to see me? He has not invited me and I'm sure my presence will make no difference at all.

I was mesmerised by the beauty of the mansion. It has one of the modern exteriors and don't get me start on the interior decoration because it's simply wow. The guests were few and the paparazzi were not allowed because it was a reserved occasion. But you can't keep media out of coverage. At a few distance from the mansion, lots of reporters were standing with their cameraman all ready to get a peak of the new couples going to be engaged.

We're welcomed by Mrs. Bella Oberoi. She greeted us with a beautiful smile. She had worn a red colour gown and her hair were lightly tucked in a loose bun. She's one of a beautiful lady, I must admit.

"Stella, I'm so glad you came. And Shanaya, you look lovely", she said.

"Thanks for inviting us Mrs. Oberoi. You look stunning too", I said and she smiled.

"Come. Let me introduce you guys to my son", she said holding my mom's hand. I politely denied and she left with my mom. They went upstairs where I'm assuming is Kristein's room.

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