Chapter 40 - Business Tour!!

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🍁"All Hearts Have Love,
Some Just Have Trouble Finding It!!"🍁


Chapter 40 - Business Tour!!

Shanaya's P.O.V.

Next day I woke way too late than expected. Why? Oh, maybe I slept late because I was busy watching my favourite cartoons up to three at night. I'm so careless. Zac will be so mad.

I immediately threw my quilt and ran to the washroom. I took a quick shower and skipping my breakfast just ran to the office after getting ready. Parking the car outside the building, I gave the key to the watchman to park it at the proper place. I'm getting late, I can't be more late.

I took the lift and ran until I reach the conference room. Talk about morning jog, I did a complete workout today. With a heavy breathing, I entered the room and took the last seat. The conference had already started. It took me five minutes to calm my breathing and continuous thumping of heart against my chest because of so much running. I do earn a glare from Zac because I was ten minutes late.

Get ready to hear the lecture Shanaya!!

I'm trying too hard to overcome my fear of stage and start interacting with more people. My introvert shy nature ain't gonna do any good to me if I want to become successful in the long run. But, it will take time. Slowly and steadily, I'll win the race too.

As soon as the presentation ended, I ran to my cubicle. I don't want to have a lecture from Zac in my breakfast. I'm hungry already. I ordered coffee for me in my cabin and started selecting for some presents for Angel. I've to buy something really amazing for her to gift her on her engagement.

A knock on my door made me look up from my laptop screen. Zac walked in with a frown on his forehead. He crossed his arms across his chest.

"Did you watch all the series all night?", He asked.

I smiled sheepishly and said, "Not all night. Maybe till three-ish". I bite my cheeks.

"How professional? You must be proud of yourself", he said and I got up from my seat.

"I'm sorry. I'll not repeat it. I promise", I said walking to him. He sighed.

"You better keep your promise", he said.

"I will", I said and my stomach groaned. I closed my eyes out of annoyance.

Why does it have to growl?

"Have you not eaten anything?", Zac asked.

"I skipped breakfast", I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You're stupid muffin. Let's go and eat something", he said and ruffling my hair, he walked ahead.

"Don't touch my hair", I said punching his back whilst following him.

Yes, we're adults. Trust me!!

"I've good news to share", Zac said whilst I was busy munching sandwich.

"Sure. Tell me", I said.

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