Chapter 14 - Miss. Silly Girl!!

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"You make it kinda hard not to stare"


Chapter 14 - Miss. Silly Girl!!

Kristein's P.O.V.

I gave the fair to the cab driver and walked out. I was a bit tipsy because of the amount of alcohol in my system. I looked up to see the office and felt like the ground beneath my feet slipping away. I stumbled on my own feet. I was standing right in front of my dad's office. This is legit a bit deal.

That girl shanaya had just messed up my life. Never ever I've thought of arriving at my dad's office in a drunken state.

Kristein, your reputation is at stake boy!!

Walking slowly and steadily carefully, I entered the office. The guard knows me so he greeted me and gave me a salute. I just nodded and watching my steps reached the private elevator. Pressing the sixth floor button, I adjusted my hair and spray peppermint inside my mouth. I don't wanna stink in my own office.

As soon as I was in my dad's cabin, I called for Nina, his assistance. After two minutes, Nina marked her presence with a glass of lemonade as I asked for it. I need to get this alcohol out of my system.

She smiled at me whilst placing the glass along with tray on my table. I smiled back and picked up the glass. I took my time appreciating her features.

Nina Watson, fair complexion skin, baby blue eyes, dark silky brown hair, a figure to die for and she's approximately five feet eight inches. When she smiles, two dimples pop up on her cheeks. I don't know what good deeds my brother Steve had done in his life that he'd managed to get such a perfect girl as his girlfriend. She's too good to be with someone like him.

I'm jealous!!

"Hey, Kristein. How are you?", She asked.

"I'm good. How are you?", I asked.

"I'm fine. It's so long that we've met. How come you're here at this time?, She inquired.

"Can you blame me for not meeting you? You're way too busy with my brother that you never gave me your time", I teased her and just mere name of Steve made her blush harder than anything else.

"Gentleman much!", She said sarcastically raising her eyebrows. Not only she's pretty but intelligent too. She's a deadly combination. I wish I could found a girl like her for me someday.

"Ok. I'll stop teasing you. I don't want my brother to beat me", I said raising my hands in surrended and she nodded knowingly with a smile.

"So?", She asked.

"So!", I replied with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"Stop dodging the question. What are you doing here? Tell me", she demanded and I sighed.

"I was missing you", I gave a lame excuse and she sighed.

"Well thanks. I miss you too. Now come to the point", she said.

My main point of coming here is to meet Dan's lady of interest, Miss. Shanaya Silly girl but I can't tell you that I'm here for a girl, now can I? Answer is No. I don't want you to look down at me.

"Back to earth Mr. Oberoi", Nina said and I came out of my thoughts.

"I want to check something. Can you please bring me the files of all the employees in the night shift?", I asked making a serious face.

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