Chapter 44 - Thinking About You!!

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🍁"Seeing You Back Brought Me
Back To What Felt Like Home"🍁


Chapter 44 - Thinking About You!!

Kristein's P.O.V.

I came back from the meeting after finalising a contract with Zac Thompson. But I got lucky there because I got to talk to Shanaya. I got to see her. She just came as a surprise package for me. Since, the time I've seen her, something is not right with me.

I can't stop smiling for even one second. My cheeks are hurting!!

Why am I so happy to see her? It's really weird. Shanaya is one of those people with whom I expect nothing at all but just mere looking at her or her presence around me affect so much. She made me happy and I don't know why?

Right now sitting in my bedroom, I'm busy thinking about our recent interaction keeping my all work at bay. Why can't I stop thinking about her? I allowed her inside my head and now I'm unable to kick her out of my thoughts.

After three years, she met me and guess what? She's the same silly girl who has this magical power to get under my skin and piss me to an extreme extent. But fighting with her felt so so good to my heart. I can't believe I even kissed her on her kissable cheeks even when I don't have that right to. She must have tagged me as a Monster again.

Again, why am I smiling?

She looked so beautiful that I find it hard to take off my eyes from her. She always plays hard to get whenever I ask her for anything. She's for sure not my Ideal type of girl them why do I feel such a pull towards her.

What is exactly wrong with me?

My mobile rang bringing me out of my trance. Tapping the green button on my mobile screen, I kept the mobile over my ear. It was from my present girlfriend, Emily Rodriguez. We're soon going to get engaged probably by next week. She's my dad's business partner's daughter.

"Hello", I said.

"Hey, Kris. Are you back?", She asked.

"Yes", I replied.

"Great. I was wondering if you could come over and we can go for shopping? I don't have a nice dress for Fred's engagement", Emily said.

"Sure. I'll be there in thirty minutes", I said and hung up.

Emily is a nice girl. She's look, status to match with mine and damn she's hot. She's just too good to be perfect and she is dreamgirl of every boy but my friends Aaliya don't like her. Fred and Dan are also good friends with her. Although Aaliya has negative opinion for her. She feels Emily is arrogant, fake and narcissistic.

Doesn't these things come with beautiful face naturally?

Girls can get jealous very easily, I must admit!!

Emily and I met at a common friend's party two years back. She was suffering from post breakup trauma and I was also coping up with sudden disappearing of Shanaya. Saying, Shan's absence doesn't affect me even one percent will be a total lie.

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